· intermedium award winners
· intermedium award eligibility
· intermedium award ceremony
· members of the jury
intermedium award winners
The winners of the intermedium award are:
· a sophisticated soirée 91 v. 2.0
· Staubmarsch Othmar Hörl/Rainer Römer/Dietmar Wiesners
intermedium award eligibility
Bayerischer Rundfunk is donating the intermedium award. It is worth 12,000 euro. The award is not tied to any particular subject matter. It is geared solely to artistic quality, originality and the creativity of transfer between media of differing origin. The intention is to reward the best production of a work which contains a major or autonomous acoustic component and is either produced using intermedia forms of play or is based in its form and conception on an intermedia creation process.
All productions which are a regular part of the intermedium programme take part in the competition. Only the authors, composers, media artists, directors or production teams are eligible to receive the award.
The award is decided by an independent jury of experts and critics.
intermedium award ceremony
To conclude the festival and as part of the awards ceremony, Hans Platzgumer presents the intermedium 2 theme composition Identitäten 2002.
The jury give their reasons for the award. Host: Herbert Kapfer. The award will be presented by Christoph Lindenmeyer (head of cultural department BR)
Th :: 28.3. :: 23.00 h :: Bayern2Radio/hr2/WDR3/Ö1/SWR2
Su :: 24.3. :: 22.00 h :: ZKM Foyer
members of the jury:
Elisabeth Schweeger
studied literature, taught at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the Academy of Fine Arts. From 1986 to 1992 Head of the exhibitions department, Academy of Fine Arts. 1993–2001 Artistic Director of Marstall, 1999–2001 Head of Production at Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel, Munich. Exhibition Curator for, among other things, Ars Electronica, documenta, OK Linz, Museumsquartier Wien. Commissioner at the 49th Biennial in Venice / Austrian Pavilion. Since September 2001 Director of Schauspiel Frankfurt
Harry Lachner
after studying German and English literature, worked initially as literary and music critic for the Stuttgarter Nachrichten. Since the mid 80s closer collaboration with radio in the music domain, in particular for BR, SWR and WDR. Since 1991 freelance contributor to the Süddeutsche Zeitung; author of screenplays and radio plays; lives in Munich
Gerhard Johann Lischka
cultural philosopher, writer; publications include Splitter Ästhetik (1993), Schnittstellen. Das postmoderne Weltbild (1997); editor of the series um 9 and the Kunstforum volumes Aktuelles Denken, Performance und PerformanceArt, Im Netz der Systeme (together with Peter Weibel); lecturer at various art academies; organizer of symposia and exhibitions; lives in Berne