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For intermedium 2 Hans Platzgumer developed the musical design of the radio programs and the composition Identitäten 2002. Platzgumer is presenting Identitäten 2002 live at the intermedium Award Ceremony.

As a produced soundtrack, Identitäten 2002 is available in two versions: one is being presented in the intermedium radio program, the second is appearing to coincide with the Festival on the sampler intermedium from one2two (intermedium rec. 013).


Hans Platzgumer
musician, producer, DJ; lives on Lake Constance and the Côte d‘Azur. Underground music, radio, film sounds. First album 1986: Tod der CD! Plays solo and with, among others, Queen of Japan, Shinto, Cube&Sphere; current solo album Denial of Service; radio work: compositions for Christian Geissler Wanderwörter (SWR 2001), Albert Ostermaier Radio Noir (BR/WDR 1999), Welche Farbe hat Rainhard Fendrich? (BR 2000) on the sampler soundstories / materialmeeting, Shonen A (with Ca Mi Tokujiro, BR 2001), both issued on intermedium rec. Film soundtracks include Sao Paulo (1999), On the Railroad (1998) and On the Road (1997)

intermedium rec./intermedium 2