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The first joint Vinyl-Listen! performance by the two legendary vinylists Claus van Bebber and Philip Jeck as the final concert of intermedium 2.
The recorded disk has been one of Claus van Bebber's instruments since the early 70s and ever since then he has used it in his concerts, performances, installations and objects. Since 1990 van Bebber has developed forms of music and performance which are created exclusively with the use of records. In the record concerts van Bebber uses 5 to 10 partly prepared players and records.
With his orchestra of 50s and 60s record players, Philip Jeck turns djing into a performance and a meditative act, one in which he conjures up music from the noise or crackling, and elegant loops from a sticking pick-up arm. Jeck's interest is directed towards motifs of memory, he wants to preserve a certain sound experience in his work and to bring it back to life.
The different concepts and approaches, arrangements and arbitrary operations of the two vinylists Claus van Bebber and Philip Jeck will be revealed in dialogue form in Viny’l’isten.


Claus van Bebber
born in 1949 on the Lower Rhine, musician, performance artist; various band projects including Z.D.l. and M.A.N., with the group Heinrich-Mucken participation in documenta 8, recordings for vinyl record, CD, radio and television including Schallplattenkonzert (1993)

Philip Jeck
musician, dj; lives in Liverpool; graphic arts at Dartington College of Arts, 1993 A Vinyl Requiem‚ 1993 Performance Award, 1999 Karl Sczuka Prize; radio plays: Vinyl Coda I-IV (BR/hr/DLR/RB/intermedium 1), CDs: Loopholes; Surf’; Vinyl Coda I-III and Vinyl Coda IV, both issued on intermedium rec.

intermedium rec./intermedium 2 2002