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Marbel and Matrikel decide to perform an operation which guarantees eternal youth. They are only partly successful: instead of stopping the ageing process, they become children. After the operation they have to rediscover/reinvent their identity. Not only have they lost their experience and ability, as well as their memory of earlier events, but also their sense of time and place. Their bodies are no longer – or not yet – capable of indulging in sexuality, although this is what once bound them together. Now Marbel and Matrikel play on the same playground, live in the same house, go to the same nursery school. But nothing is as it once was. The same is no longer the same. The things they rediscover have similar shapes but different colours compared to previously. It is neither dark nor light, neither summer nor winter.

Tone Avenstroup and Robert Lippok set off in search of Marbel and Matrikel and thus make a journey through the 21st century. At places like Odessa or Chicago there emerge photos, video recordings and sounds which provide evidence of the old and new identity. marbel & matrikel plays around with the science fiction genre, and it is in equal measure a radio play, video art and network art. A twenty-minute mix arranges various files (film sequences, texts, photos, music) on the website and combines them to create a live radio play.


Tone Avenstroup
born in Oslo, lives and works in Berlin. Producer, director, translator, numerous publications. She has taught at numerous workshops; projects include Synchronschwimmen: er singt wenn er fliegt (Berlin 2000), Bald legen sie los (Berlin 2001)

Robert Lippok
born in Berlin, works as musician and stage designer, co-founder of various bands and formations, including Ornament und Verbrechen, to rococo rot. Last art exhibition steady, Galerie Wohnmaschine Berlin (2001); radio plays include Prima Leben und Sparen (with Dolores, BR 1998), Selbstläufer (with Kathrin Röggla, BR 2000)

BR/intermedium 2 2002