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Instant Insiders are urbane people who – with their mobile phones and numerous other forms of wireless communication – get an answer to all questions of everyday life at any time and without delay. Instant Insider is the name of the information service which beams the crucial facts at the speed of light into every subscriber's "personal communication bubble", the invisible data environment that constantly surrounds him or her.

At least, that's what happens in the story by Beusch/Cassani, which can be seen on the big screen and the Internet and heard on the radio. The protagonists of this communications utopia are three hyperactive bubble people from Tokyo, Helsinki and Berlin, who have been selected to use the new kind of information service as fortunate beta testers. But it doesn't all go according to plan. The test subjects manoeuvre themselves into ever new, complicated situations in the routine of big-city life, where real-time lifestyle, mobile passion and empty batteries form a highly explosive cocktail. In comical and unexpected emergency situations the subjects gradually discover the real use of the Instant Insider service, which once again seems to confirm the historical experience that every technology only becomes interesting when people begin to use it in a way it was not originally intended for.

In collaboration with young animation designers the media artists Beusch/Cassani have developed flash animations, and the sound for the three self-enclosed episodes is created jointly with the Italian producer and DJ Marco Repetto.


Bruno Beusch / Tina Cassani
curators of Electrolobby/Ars Electronica, heads of the Paris new media label TNC Network, production of interactive media fictions focussing on media and network culture; more than 20 radio productions, including Hacking Millennium Park (BR 1998/1999), The Great Web Crash (Ars Electronica/ORF Kunstradio 1996-1998) issued as CD under the title The Screen turned Black

BR/intermedium 2 2002