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A mysterious creature makes contact, by SMS or e-mail. It lures you onto its website and demands food in the form of text, sound and picture files: input which it absorbs visibly and audibly. And it wants even more, it gets bigger, more independent and finally uncontrollable.
Mythology and literature have always reflected the fear of new technologies and the possibility of their taking off on their own. The ancient Prometheus of Aeschylos and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein of 1817 are famous examples of this tradition. Atau Tanaka takes both subjects as the basis for his interactive radio play and makes a creature appear which lives in the digital networks: an agile data organism demanding control over everyone and everything and threatening chaos and ruin. In his live performance, Tanaka confronts the audiovisual monster, challenges it and tries to tame it.

On its website, Frankensteins Netz invites its listeners/users to take part starting 20 February 2002, and it is open to interactive inputs during the performance. Internet lines between Europe, Asia and America connect audio performers and VJs during the live show: I.D, noise artist in Japan, Zack Settel, voice performer in Montreal, and Atau Tanaka in Karlsruhe use the net to exchange their data and render the virtual being audible and visible. The radio play is not only accessible by radio: Antoine Schmitt and Peter Hanappe have created a dynamic web interface which records and plays back the listeners'/users' texts, pictures and sounds. It thus mirrors the audible and visual transformations of Frankensteins Netz. It becomes clear that the digital organism is not the product of a single creator, but is being nurtured by the many participants: the Prometheus of the digital age is, in the final analysis, the totality of those who log into the net.

The project will be directed by Sabine Breitsameter in technical collaboration with McGill University, Montréal, and the IAMAS Media Art Institute, Japan.


Atau Tanaka
intermedia sound artist, lives in Paris/Tokyo. Studied composition at Stanford University, California, musical research at IRCAM, Paris, numerous network audio projects, sound installations in real and virtual space, development of sensor-controlled audio interfaces. Global String (November 2000, Rotterdam/Linz), awarded a prize in the Cyberstar Competition (GMD/WDR 1998)

SWR/ZKM/DLR/Radio Canada Montréal/Goethe-Institut/intermedium 2 2002