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Olaf Breuning
* 1970 in Schaffhausen (CH), lives and works in New York (USA) and Zürich (CH)

Part IV: Borrowed Images

Works in the Exhibition | Interview

Olaf Breuning: Ugly Yelp, 2000
Photo: courtesy Goetz Collection

Works in the Exhibition

Ugly Yelp, 2000, single-channel video installation 5'55" Loop
King, 2000, single-channel video installation, 9'22" Loop
Freak, 2001, C-print on aluminium, laminated
First, 2003, single-channel video installation, 7'30" Loop
Group, 2001, single-channel video installation, 12'20" Loop
Peter, 2005, C-print on aluminium, laminated


Stephan Urbaschek: You began your career as a photographer. Were you already thinking of making films then, or how did you go from photography to film?
Olaf Breuning: I guess I was already thinking of it. I studied photography for eight years, working with still images, with pictures that don't move. I suppose I found it boring after a while because I felt there were no more options available. There were, of course, but the moving image seemed a logical extension, the real way forward.
Stephan Urbaschek: Did you start right away with a video camera or with some other kind of camera? Were you interested in 16mm or 35mm cameras? I assume you now work mainly with video?
Olaf Breuning: Yes, I work mainly with video because I’ve always liked the idea of doing the home production thing, somehow cooking everything in your own kitchen. The moment you start working professionally in any way - especially when I started making films about eight years ago - it was too expensive and complicated. I always thought it was great that you could make films with just a computer and a camera. That was a good basis for my work.

Text excerpt »Not just fields with pretty flowers, but thunder too « - A Conversation with Olaf Breuning, New York, March 2006 (Author: Stephan Urbaschek), Exhibition Catalogue Imagination Becomes Reality Part IV_Borrowed Images