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Topic: E Gamboni exhib
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Exhibits :

Section curated by Dario Gamboni


Showcase I:

Als wie der größte Mann Berns auf Befehl der kleinen Götter des Materialismus geopfert und enthauptet wird [How the Biggest Man of Berne is Being Sacrificed and Beheaded on Order of the Little Gods of Materialism]
4 x 6''
published in Die Schweiz, 3 March 1865
Schweizerische Landesbibliothek, Berne

Christoffels Abschied von Bern [Christoffels Farewell to Berne]
publ. in Illustrierte Wochenzeitung Bern, 18 April 1863
Schweizerische Landesbibliothek, Berne

Christoffels Kampf und Sieg [Christopher´s Fight and Victory]
in Postheiri 28, December 1861
Schweizerische Landesbibliothek, Berne

Photograph of the demolition of the Christoffel Tower, 1865
9.3 x 7''
Bernisches Historisches Museum, Berne

Christoffel am Christoffelturm in Bern [Christoffel Tower in Berne], c. 1860-1865
photograph, black-and-white
10.2 x 7.9’’
Bernisches Historisches Museum, Berne

Showcase II:

D. Vierge
The Fall of the Vendôme Column, Paris 16 May 1871
wood engraving by F. Méaulle
8.3 x 5.1''
published in Victor Hugo, L'année terrible, Paris, 1874
Private Collection

Photos, cartoons and newspaper clippings referring to Vera Mukhina's work The Worker and the Collective-Farm Woman, 1937, Mooskau:

Vera Mukhina
Vera Mukhina, The Worker and the Collective-Farm Woman, 1937 chrome, nickel, steel photography by Louise-Marie Fitsch
reproduced from: Vladimir Kemerar, The USSR Academy of Arts. Leningrad, 1982

Art Spiegelman
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back (After), 1992
photography (reproduction) Private collection

A. Chabanov
in Izvestia, 1992

Newspaper clipping
Le Monde

Ronald Searle
l’œuf cube et le cercle vicieux, 1968
Librairie Arthème Fayard, Paris
Private collection

Ronald Searle
Die Philister 4, 1968
reproduced from: l’œuf cube et le cercle vicieux, 1968
Librairie Arthème Fayard, Paris

Le Monde, 21 September 1990
Private Collection

Removal and Conservation of Communist Monuments after 1989:

Newspaper clipping
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 22 February 1991
Private collection

Newspaper clippings with cartoons by Serguei and Pancho
from: Le Monde and Europe from the beginning of the 1990ies

Billboard for an American Demolition company in Chicago
Photograph by Dario Gamboni, August 1997
Private collection

Szoborpark Muzeum, Budapest
Brochure and map, after 1989
Private collection

Hans Haacke
Grenzturm [control tower] Stallschreiberstraße/Alte Jakobstraße
photography by Werner Zellien
Berlin, September 1st, – Oktober 7, 1990
Private collection

Krzysztof Wodiczko
Untitled, 1990
Private collection

Nicolai Tomsky
Lenin Monument, 1970
with inscription
Leninplatz, Berlin-Friedrichshain, 1991 reproduction
Landesbildstelle Berlin

»Ende des Kommunismus – und was nun?« [The End of Communism - and now?]
in DIE ZEIT, 29 December 1989

Brochure of the citizens' initiative »Lenindenkmal« [Lenin monument], Berlin 1993
Edith Wäscher, Berlin

Photographic documentation of the removal of the Lenin statue in Berlin, 1990ies
Edith Wäscher, Berlin

Showcase III:

Berliner Mauer
1975 – November 1989
original piece of the Berlin Wall in acrylic
3.9 x 11.8''
Mauermuseum Haus am Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin

Pavel Sima
Berlin nach dem 9.11.1989 [Berlin after 11/09/1989]
5.6 X 4.1''
Private collection

Berliner Mauer
Demolition of the Berlin Wall at the Potsdamer Platz, 11 - 12 December 1989
photography, b/w
8.3 x 11.6''
Reinhard Janke, courtesy Argus Fotoarchiv GmbH, Hamburg

Berliner Mauer
piece of the Berlin Wall with packaging and certificate
as sold at Macy's, New York, 1989
Hans Belting, Karlsruhe

Showcase IV:

André Gill
Cover of 'Gill-Revue. Le Salon pour rire' (Paris), 1868
hand colored woodcut
13 x 10.2''
Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, State University of New Jersey

A child of six could do it. Cartoons about modern art
Melly, G. Graves-Smith, J. R., New York, The Tate Gallery, 1973
ZKM | Mediathek

Henry Mayo Bateman
Brother Brushes II (detail)
in H. M. Bateman, A Book of Drawings, New York 1921

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Manifeste du Futurisme [Manifesto of Futurism]
publ. in Le Figaro, February 20th, 1909

Enrico Prampolini
Bomardiamo le Accademie, February 1918
facsimile / in Luciano Caruso (ed.), Manifesti, proclami, interventi e documenti teorici del futurismo, 1909-1944, Florence 1980
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg

Große Deutsche Kunstausstellung in München, 1937
photograph, s/w
8.5 x 11.8''

Showcase IV:

Various newspaper clippings concerning the attack on Barnett Newmann's painting Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue IV (1969-70) in 1982
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Nationalgalerie, Berlin

Peter Moritz Pickshaus
Kunstzerstörer. Fallstudien: Tatmotive und Psychogramme
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1988
ZKM | Mediathek

Barnett Newman
Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue III, 1967-1968
photograph, after the attack on March 21st, 1986
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam

Kasimir Malevichs 'Suprematisms' (1920-1927), Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, with the green dollar-sign sprayed onto it by the Russian artist Alexander Brener on January 4th, 1997
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam

Marianne Haas
2 photographs of the plaster models of sculptures by the artists who received the 'Grand Prix de Rome' from 1815 to 1900 in a depot in the cellar of the École des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1994

Private collection

Documentation of the vandalism that occured during the 7th sculpture exhibition in Biel, Switzerland, in 1980
newspaper clippings and photographs
catalog of the 7th Swiss Sculpture Exhibition, 1980
Private Collection

Gérald Minkoff
Drawing of the work 'Video Blind Piece', 1980
reproduction from the catalog of the 7th Swiss Sculpture Exhibition

Advertisment for the reconstruction of Gérald Minkoff's work 'Video Blind Piece'
in Bieler Tagblatt, 25 Junw 1980

Anton Egloff
Profil eines Fluges [Profile of an Airplane], 1976-77
photograph with a drawing of the artist on paper, depicting the destruction of his work
Private collection

Marfa Vjaceslavovna Scepkina: Miniatjury Chludovskoj Psaltyri. Greceskij. Illjustr. Kodeks 9 veka. Moscow 1977
Cod. 129, fol. 67
Comparison of the effacement of an image of Christ with the crucifixion
8.3 x 10.6''
Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Staatsbibliothek, Handschriftenabteilung, Berlin

Photograph of the »First International Dada-Fair«, Gallery Burchard, Berlin, July 30, 1920

(from left to right: [standing] Raoul Hausmann, Otto Burchard, Baader, Wieland und Margarete Herzfelde, George Grosz, John Heartfield, [sitting] Hanna Höch, Otto Schmalhausen) reproduction
Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin

Bernhard Neubauer
At the Art Academy Dueseldorf, Joseph Beuys' former assistant, Johnnes Stüttgen, holds the remnants of Beuys' 'Fettecke' while a second person points to the spot where the work had originally been placed; October 9, 1986
19.7 x 15.7''
Bernhard Neubauer, Düsseldorf

Willi Baumeister
Herr mit Spitzbart II - Simultanbild [Simultaneous Image 'Man With Pointed Beard'], c. 1941
pencil, gouache and watercolor
on postcard of Adolf Ziegler's painting Göttin der Künste
6 x 4''
Archive Baumeister, Stuttgart

Baumeister, Willi / Mann mit Spitzbart [Man With Pointed Beard], c. 1941
pencil, and colored pencil, writing
on postcard of Adolf Ziegler's painting Göttin der Künste
6 x 4 ''
Archive Baumeister, Stuttgart

Portrait mit Hut [Portrait with hat], 1955
gouache, ballpoint pen
6 x 4 ''
Archive Baumeister, Stuttgart

Füße der Christoffelfigur [Feet of the Christoffel figure]
fragments of the figure once placed at the Christoffel Tower, Berne, 1498
13 x 22 x 27'' (right foot), 14 x 20 x 30'' (left foot)
Bernisches Historisches Museum, Berne

H. Baron
The Breaker of Images
etched on steel by L. Massard
6 x 4''
in Augustin Challamel and Wilhelm Ténint, Les Français sous la Révolution Paris, 1843
Private collection

La Bastille [The Bastille] , c. 1793
model of the Bastille
by Pierre Francois Pallois, Paris
18.9 x 23.2 x 40.6''
Bernisches Historisches Museum, Berne

La Bastille [The Bastille]
stone of the Bastille with engraving
31.5 x 19.7 x 19.7''
Musée de Valence, Valence

Henry Mayo Bateman
The Boy who Breathed on the Glass in the British Museum, 1916
drwaing from Punch
8.3 x 16.5''
reprinted in H.M. Bateman, A Book of Drawings, New York, 1921
ZKM | Mediathek, Karlsruhe

Berliner Mauer
Segment of the Berlin Wall, 1975 – November 1989
original piece no. 296
141.7 x 47.2 x 82.3'', weight 2.6 t
Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn

Berliner Mauer
Die Mauer [The Wall], 1961-1989
footage from feature films and documentaries produced in the GDR about the closing of the borders and the fall of the Berlin Wall
video, color and b/w, sound; 10 min.
Progress Film-Verleih GmbH, Berlin

Carel Blotcamp
Naar Duchamp, 1976
paper and plywood
3.9 x 4.7 x 2''
Private collection, The Hague

Bruno Braquehais
La destruction de la Colonne Vendôme [The destruction of the Vendôme Column], 1871
6 photographs
5.9 x 8.1''
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Cabinet des Estampes, Paris

Sophie Calle
Le Major Davel, 1994
cibachrome, b/w photograph an text on plexiglass
59 x 53''

Charles Gleyre
Le Major Davel, 1850
oil on canvas
57.7 x 40.2''
Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne

Max Dean
As Yet Untitled, 1992-1995
interactive installation
industrial robot, photographs
diameter approx. 196''
Max Dean, courtesy of Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto

Marcel Duchamp
La boîte-en-valise [Box in a suitcase] (1936-1941), 1966
box, coated with red linen, contentains 80 parts
16,3 x 15 x 4''
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz

Marcel Duchamp
La boîte verte [The Green Box], 1934
box coated with green velvet, contentains 93 documents
13 x 11 x 1''
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz

Marcel Duchamp
La boîte blanche [The White Box], 1967
contains 125 facsimiles of notes by M. Duchamp
Private collection

Vue de la ville de Berne depuis la Tour Goliath [Berne seen from the Goliath Tower], c. 1860
20 x 26''
Bernisches Historisches Museum, Berne

Felix Gmelin
A new Painting after Rauschenberg´s Erased de Kooning Drawing, 1994-1995
After Willem de Kooning und Robert Rauschenberg (1953)
tempera on paper and panel in a gold leaf frame
24.8 x 21.7 x 1.4'''
Private collection

Felix Gmelin
A Small Contribution to Purity, 1996
After Barnett Newman (1969-1970) and F. Keller (1982)
oil on canvas
76.8 x 116.1 x 1.2''
Private Collection

Felix Gmelin
Erased Green Dollar Sign, 2001
After Kasimir Malevich (1969-1927) and Alexander Brener (1997)
oil on panel
37,5 x 29''
Private collection

Felix Gmelin Kill Lies All, 1996
After Pablo Picasso (1937) and Tony Shafrazi (1974)
77 x 116 x 1.2''
Private collection

Felix Gmelin
Puking in Yellow on a Composition in Black, Red and White, 2001
After Piet Mondrian (1935) and Jubal Brown (1996)
oil on canvas
102 x 105 x 0.9''
Private collection

Felix Gmelin
The Avant-Garde Will Never Change Its Spots, 1996 After an unknown artist and Asger Jorn (1962)
oil on polyester
24 x 29''
Private collection

Felix Gmelin
The Overpainting/i>, 1996
After Arnulf Rainer (1973)
oil on canvas
43.3 x 35.8 x 1.9''
Private collection

Francisco de Goya
No sabe lo que hace [[he doesn´t know what he´s doing]
Album E, p.19, c. 1814-1817
portfolio with drawings, brush and gray and black wash
17.1 x 22.6''
Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin

Hans Haacke

Broken R.M., 1986
enamel plaque, gilded snow shovel with broken handle
courtesy Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna

Wolfgang Hicks »Bilderstürmer« [Iconoclasts], 1970ies
15.4 x 9.4''
Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn

Wolfgang Hicks
»Genossen Komilitonen, jetzt demonstrieren wir für den Wiederaufbau« [Comrades, students, lets demonstrate now for reconstruction], 1976
18.9 x 14.2’’
Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn

Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid
Project for the modification of a monument from the Communist era, 1999
computer-assisted drawing
11 x 8.7''
Private collection

Pierre-Joseph Lafontaine
Alexandre Lenoir s´opposant à la destruction des monuments de Saint-Denis [Alexandre Lenoir Opposing the Destruction of the Royal Tombs in the Church of St Denis], 1793
9 x 8''
Musée Carnavalet – Histoire de Paris, Paris

Léonce Schérer
2 caricatures of Gustave Courbet as the Destroyer of the Vendôm Column reprductions from: Charles Léger, Courbet selon les caricatures et les images, Paris 1920

George Maciunas
Diagram of Historical Development of Fluxus and Other 4 Dimensional, Aural, Optic, Olfactory, Epithelial and Tactile Art Forms, 1973

Gerald Minkoff
Video Blind Piece #6, 2002
14 monitore, 14 cameras
290 x 344 x 40 cm courtesy Gerald Minkoff, Geneva

Viktor Misiano, Evgeny Asse, Dmitri Gutoff, Vadim Fishkin
Reason is something
color, b/w, without sound, 12 min.
shown on the occasion of the Venice Biennial in 1995
Vadim Fishkin, Dimitri Gutoff, Moscow and ARS AEVI Collection, Museum / Center of Contemporary Art Sarajevo

Laura Mulvey & Marc Lewis
Disgraced Monuments, 1994
color, sound, 50 min.
ZKM | Video art collection

Arnulf Rainer
Übermalung [Overpainting], c. 1954
photograph, pencil and felt pen
16.1 x 19.1''
Private collection

Erhard Schön
Klagrede der verfolgten Götzen und Tempelbilder [Complaint of the Persecuted Idols and Temple Images] , c. 1530
5 x 14''
Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg

Daniel Spoerri
Utiliser un Rembrandt comme planche à repassser (Marcel Duchamp) [Use a Rembrandt as an Ironing Board (Marcel Duchamp)], 1963
painted wooden chair, wood, panel, printed textile and iron
34 x 29 x 16''
Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv

Johann Martin Will
The Demolition of the Bastille, 14 July 1789 14 x 18,6''
Heeresgeschichtliches Museum, Vienna




artists and exhibits
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download : exhibits chosen by Dario Gamboni

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Peter Galison
Dario Gamboni
Joseph Leo Koerner
Bruno Latour

Adam Lowe
Hans Ulrich Obrist
Peter Weibel

Hans Belting
Boris Groys
Denis Laborde
Marie-José Mondzain
Heather Stoddard


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Last update: Thursday, May 9, 2002 at 9:28:07 PM.