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inactiveTopic E Galison exhib topic started 28.02.2002; 17:50:19
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user maryam - E Galison exhib  blueArrow
28.02.2002; 17:50:19 (reads: 32544, responses: 0)


Exhibits :

Section curated by Peter Galison


AMANDA (model of the South Pole-Neutrino-Telescope), 2001
86.6 x 17 x 17‘‘
plexiglas, LEDs, electronics
Physics Department, University Wuppertal

Spark Chamber, year of construction 1999
metal, plexiglass, electronics
43.3 x 78.74 x 31.5’’
DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron), Zeuthen

Sky survey images from the Palomar observatory
18 glass photographic plates
Margaret J. Geller and Michael Kurtz, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge

Sky survey images from the Palomar observatory
8 photographic reproductions
0.78 x 13.8’’
Margaret J. Geller and Michael Kurtz, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge

Orit Halpern and Tal
Archiving Nature, 2002
internet project/interactive computer-installation
196.9 x 196.9''
Orit Halpern

Heller, Eric J.
Images inspired by Science
Eric J. Heller, Lincoln

Transport IV, 2000
48 x 34''

Caustic I, 2001
48 x 96''

Double Diamond, 2000
48 x 42''

Monolith, 2000
49 x 44''

Rosetta Stone, 1984
48 x 35''

Correspondence, 1997
44 x 28''
Random Synthesis, 2000
50 x 50''

Creation of 'Transport XIII': Random Sphere and Random Sphere II, 2000
48 x 96''

Koinzidenzzähler [array counter]
szentillation detectors, NIM-electronics, counter, flash light, oszilloscope
136 x 46.8 x 46.8''
Institute for Nuclear Physics, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH

Adolph Mathias and Sven Sahle
C-Variations, 2002
Adolph Mathias and Sven Sahle

Mathematic models from the collection of the Institute of Mathematics, Georg-August-University, Göttingen
dating from 1870 to 1940
various materials & sizes
University Goettingen

Apoll von Belvedere, date unknown
ZKM, with thanks to Prof. Gerd Fischer, Duesseldorf

Cloud Chamber, PHYWE PJ80/3
c. 49.6 x 50.3 x 50.3''
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH

Electron Beam Diffraction Tube
12 x 12 x 6''
electron beam diffraction tube, stand, high-voltage power supply
ZKM, with thanks to the Staatliche Seminar für Schulpädagogik Karlsruhe, department of Physics

Peter Robinson
Into the Void, date unknown
68.9 x 47.2''
Kapinos Gallery, Berlin

Peter Robinson
Inflation Theory I, 2001
fiber glass, acrylic paint
64.5 x 81.1 x 59.1''
Kapinos Gallery, Berlin

Scanning table scanning table inclusive bubble chamber images
78.7 x 98.4 x 78.7''
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule, Aachen

Wire Chamber, 1967
0.8 x 49.2 x 49.2''
CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), Switzerland




artists and exhibits
download : complete list of exhibits [.pdf]

download : exhibits chosen by Peter Galison

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Peter Galison
Dario Gamboni
Joseph Leo Koerner
Bruno Latour

Adam Lowe
Hans Ulrich Obrist
Peter Weibel

Hans Belting
Boris Groys
Denis Laborde
Marie-José Mondzain
Heather Stoddard


         Copyright © 2002 ZKM | Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe


Last update: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 at 1:48:28 PM.