[* 1940, Reykjavik]

About Steina | Biography | Works in the Exhibition

1953-1957 Studied violin and music theory in Reykjavik

1959-1963 Received a scholarship from the Czechoslovak Ministry of Culture to attend the State Music Conservatory in Prague, Czechoslovakia

1962 Met Woody Vasulka in Prague

1964 Joined the Icelandic Symphony Orchestra. Married Woody Vasulka in Prague

1965 Moved to New York City

1965-1970 Worked as a freelance musician

1969 Began working with video

1971 Co-founded The Electronic Kitchen [later shortened to The Kitchen] an Electronic Media Theater in New York [together with Woody and Andres Mannik]

1973 Moved to Buffalo, New York

1977-1979 Taught video at the Department of Media Study, SUNY Buffalo

1976 Took part in the Berlin Film Festival, Forum des jungen Films

1980 Moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico

1988 Artist-in-residence in Tokyo on a U.S./Japan Friendship Committee grant

1992 Received the Maya Deren Award for Independent Film and Video Artists, conferred by the American Film Institute, Los Angeles, California

1992 Co-curated the exhibition Eigenwelt der Apparate-Welt [Pioneers of Electronic Art] for Ars Electronica Linz, Austria

1992 Taught video at the Akademie für Angewandte Kunst in Vienna, Austria

1995 Received the Siemens Media Art Prize, conferred by ZKM

1996-1998 Served as artistic co-director and software collaborator at STEIM [Studio for Electronic Instrumental Music] based at the Netherlands Musical Research Center in Amsterdam

2000 Co-founded with Woody Vasulka the Art and Science Laboratory