James Blue
[b. 1930, Tulsa/Oklahoma - d. 1980, Buffalo/New York]

About James Blue | Biography | Works in the Exhibition

1956-1958 Studied at l’Institut des Hautes Études Cinématographiques, Paris

1962-1968 Made five 35-minute documentaries for the United States Information Agency

1964 Received first grant ever given to a filmmaker by the Ford Foundation

1964-1980 Conducted a series of more than 75 interviews with international filmmakers, e.g. Roberto Rosselini, Federico Fellini, Jean-Luc Godard, Milos Forman, Richard Leacock and Shirley Clarke

1967 Was the first faculty member appointed by Gerald O'Grady to teach at The Media Center, University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas

1967-1977 Director of the Media Center at Rice University, Houston

1974 Directed together with David MacDougall the pioneering ethnographic film Kenya Boran

1975 Founded the Southwest Alternate Media Project [SWAMP] - an independent nonprofit media arts center in Houston, Texas

Late 1970's Developed the complex documentary - a process-oriented form for local television

1977-1980 Professor for documentary film at the Department of Media Study, SUNY, Buffalo