Ex oriente lux? - (In)sights into the German-Turkish Cultural Mosaic
Symposium held during the European Cultural Festival 2004 on the theme of »Istanbul«

Friday 23 - Sunday 25 April 2004

Program | > Friday | > Saturday | > Sunday

Friday, 23 April 2004

ZKM_Media Theater

7 pm
Welcoming Addresses
Prof. Peter Weibel [Director of ZKM]
Ullrich Eidenmüller [Cultural Mayor of Karlsruhe]
Achim Thorwald [Director of the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe]
Dr. Caroline Y. Robertson-von Trotha [Direktor of ZAK, Karlsruhe University]

Living spaces in Istanbul
Ceremonial Address
Yekta Kara [director, Istanbul]

8 pm
Political participation as an opportunity for integration?
Bülent Arslan [CDU]
Mehmet Daimagüler [FDP]
Dilek Kolat [SPD]
Cem Özdemir [Bündnis90/Die Grünen]
Moderator: Dr. Michael Lüders [Author, Political Counselor, Berlin]

10 pm
The moustache[Biyik], Turkey 2004, short film
D: L. Nalbantoglu
Elephants and Grass [Filler ve Cimen], Turkey 2000, feature film
D: Dervis Zaim
Turkish original with German subtitles


Saturday, 24 April 2004

ZKM_Media Theater 10 am

Istanbul - City of contrasts and simultaneities
Welcoming Address

Susanne Laugwitz [Festival Coordinator, Cultural Affairs Department, Karlsruhe]
Prof. Peter Weibel [Director of ZKM]
Dr. Caroline Y. Robertson-von Trotha [Dr. Caroline Y. Robertson-von Trotha [Director of ZAK, Karlsruhe University]

The Republic will educate Byzantium
Halil Gülbeyaz [Film Maker and Publicist, NDR]

Sometimes the Bosporus is glinting
Michael Matting [Former ARD-Correspondent in Instanbul]

Constructing and consuming Istanbul
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arus Yumul [Sociologist, Bilgi University, Istanbul]
Lecture in English

Turkish identities. Between integration and exclusion
Cigdem Akkaya [Deputy Director, Foundation Center for Turkish Studies, Essen]

Under the red halfmoon. Attempts of the German-speaking Modernity at the ?Golden Horn?
Prof. Dr. Bernd Nicolai [Art Historian, Trier University]

Association of Turkish Academics

Lunch Break

2:30 pm
Policy of recognition

Social Integration and participation
»A Turk does not go the opera.« What Germans know about Turks
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim [Sociologist, University Erlangen-Nürnberg]

»Politics and economic participation.« Migrants in Companies
Hayrettin Aydin [Head of the Department for Scientific Projects, Foundation Center for Turkish Studies, Essen]

»The educational situation of young female Turkish migrants«
Problems and chances for social integration
Dr. Yasemin Karakasoglu-Aydin [Docent, Intercultural Pedagogics, Essen University]


Podium: Headscarf debate
Statements by
Barbara John [former Representative for Immigrants at the Berlin Senate]
Collin Schubert [Terre des Femmes, Tübingen]
Dr. Ursula Knapp [Judicial Editor, Frankfurter Rundschau, Karlsruhe]

4:30 pm
Podium with
Meral Akkent [Sociologist, Erlangen]
Evrim Baba [PDS, House of Representatives, Berlin]
Serap Cileli [Author, Erbach]
Barbara John [former Representative for Immigrants at the Berlin Senate]
Moderator: Dr. Ursula Knapp [Judicial Editor, Frankfurter Rundschau, Karlsruhe]

7:30 pm
Concert Where, by the prophet's beard, is Europe?


Sunday, 25 April 2004

Kleines Haus Badisches Staatstheater

11 am
Modern Bridge? - Encounters in Art, Theatre and Popular Culture
Opening Address
Achim Thorwald [Director of the Badisches Staatstheaters Karlsruhe]

Themes from everyday live in Istanbul's contemporary cinema and theater
Yekta Kara [director, Istanbul]

11:45 am
Scenic Reading »Kanak Sprak« by Feridun Zaimoglu

12:15 pm
Cabaret with Muhsin Omurca

2 pm

End: ca 3 pm
