Oda Projesi:
SATILIK GECEKONDU (Gecekondu zu verkaufen), 2004

poster project in urban space
black/white, 356 x 252 cm
Oda Projesi

This project is going to be the continuation in the project that Oda Projesi has realized in the 8th İstanbul Bienalle. This is a bilboard project, taken from house sale advertisements from the newspapers. You can see the images from the bilboards in the attachements. We want to keep the same format but change the information given in the advertisement. The advertisement contains two layers; one is sale house advertisements which could not be read easly, taken from a local newspaper and the second layer is the one advertisement on it that we have made.

»Gecekondu’s from the Beautiful City Company Harmonious with the city’s complicated structure, with alternatives of single or double room, or you can build annexes. Houses you can destroy and rebuild, that you can leave in one night. Open a space for your self.« was the information of the previous advertisement for Iİstanbul and for Karlsruhe we want to add some other things like the gecekondus was originally from İstanbul and that you can make these houses in one night and in any part of the city that suits you. And we want to put advertisements taken from Karlsruhe newspapers on house sale.the advertisement is going to be in German... We want to keep the word »gecekondu« as it is in the literature also, like favella.

The project was to look to the city through gecekondu as not like it is just a house but also a way of thinking and living and adding to the city and to the life. So for ZKM, we want to carry the issue of Gecekondu to Karlsruhe, while thinking and reflecting on it through İstanbul and also through our own lives. To look to İstanbul through the issue of Gecekondu, which is just taken as something illegal that the »others« are making and that the others are harming the city. But when you take it and look at it on different ways there is a lot to read looking in the life of the city and the citizens.

We have in mind to put three of these bilboard advertisements together and we are open to your ideas. We want them to be in two places one near ZKM and the other in the center of the city. We do not want to be in the exhibition space but outside and in the city, in relation with the daily life. »Oda Projesi adopts the strategy of the city, it does it with just standing there repeating certain gestures, adopting their styles of living. Oda Projesi imitates games, spaces, narratives.«

Text by: Oda Projesi