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Jeff Wall
* 1946 in Vancouver (CDN), lives and works in Vancouver (CDN)

Imagination Becomes Reality Conclusion

Works in the Exhibition | Text

Jeff Wall: Restoration, 1993/94
Photo: courtesy Goetz Collection
© Jeff Wall

Works in the Exhibition

Restoration, 1993/94, c-print, light box


The artist has said of Restoration: "The interesting tension in the picture for me is that between the flatness of the photograph I'm making and the curved nature of the panorama's space. Because you can see it curve away from you and disappear, I see it as a kind of making-explicit of the situation that exists with every picture which renders the illusion of volume and curved space on a flat plane. The fact that the panorama can be seen escaping from view is one of the things which most interested me in making the work. The idea that there is something in every picture, no matter how well-structured the picture is, that escapes being shown." (1)

(1) See Restoration: Interview with Martin Schwander, in Thierry de Duve i.a.: Jeff Wall, London 2002, p. 129.

Text excerpt »Images are generated by a gaze searching for new and personal insights. They are images of those gazing at the world« (Author: Stephan Urbaschek), Exhibition Catalogue Imagination Becomes Reality Conclusion