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inactiveTopic Peter Doig | e topic started 21.02.2007; 18:26:30
last post 21.02.2007; 18:26:30
user silke altvater - Peter Doig | e  blueArrow
21.02.2007; 18:26:30 (reads: 12654, responses: 0)
Peter Doig
* in Edinburgh (GB), lives and works in Trinidad (TT)

Part III Talking Pictures

Works in the Exhibition | Interview

Peter Doig: Stadium, 1998
Photo: courtesy Goetz Collection

Works in the Exhibition

Paragon, 2004, Oil on canvas
Stadium, 1998, Oil on canvas
Ooty Boathouse Study, 2004-05, Oil on paper


Rainald Schumacher: You were born in Edinburgh and then you spent the first six years of your life in Trinidad, before moving to Canada. In 1979, at the age of 20, you moved to London, spending your art-educational years there in different schools. I have heard people say - or rather, I have heard rumors - that you have been living mostly in a so-called Third World country since 2002, and then again people are also saying that you live and work in a Caribbean paradise. There seems to be a certain misperception about you. Is the truth somewhere in between?
Peter Doig: I do not live in a Third World country - I live in Trinidad, an island in the Caribbean - and although it is not considered First World, a lot of the First World is available here: Internet, cable TV, etc., etc. It may be some people's idea of paradise: yes, it is hot and there are some beaches. Trinidad is a beautiful, complex place with a very urban capital, Port of Spain. More than 50,000 people live here. And we have all the problems of big cities around the world ... sadly. I live and work in the city. Trinidad is not a holiday destination - there is virtually no tourism here. Personally, I could never work in an environment that - for some - is predominantly about leisure.

Text excerpt »Give less information, use less paint« - A Conversation via E-mail with Peter Doig, December 2005 (Author: Rainald Schumacher), Exhibition Catalogue Imagination Becomes Reality Part III_Talking Pictures