Author:   maryam  
Posted: 19.03.2002; 17:19:40
Topic: E Hans Belting
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Hans Belting


+ Biography

Professor for Art History and Media Theory at the Academy for Design [Hochschule fuer Gestaltung] in Karlsruhe, Germany

Born in Andernach, Germany in 1935, Hans Belting studied Art History, Archaeology and History at the universities of Mainz and Rome. He earned his PhD. in Art History [1959] and was a Harvard University Visiting Fellow at the Dumbarton Oaks Institute in Washington, D.C. where he studied with Ernst Kitzinger.
He taught as Assistant Professor for Art History at the University of Hamburg [1966], as Professor for Art History at the University of Heidelberg [1970-80], as Professor for Art History at the University of Munich [1980], Visiting Professor at Harvard University [1984], and as the Meyer Shapiro Visiting Professor at Columbia University, N. York [1989-90].
Since 1992 he has taught as Professor for Art History and Media Theory at the newly founded Academy for Design [Hochschule fuer Gestaltung] in Karlsruhe. In 2000 he inaugurated the research program »Anthropology and the image: Image-Media-Body« on an interdisciplinary basis with 24 Ph.D. candidates from the disciplines of art history, literary criticism, philosophy, neurosciences and psychology.
He is a member of the Medieval Academy of America, the American Academy for Arts and Sciences, the Institute for Advanced Study [Wissenschaftskolleg] in Berlin, and the »Orden pour le mérite fuer Wissenschaften und Kuenste«. He has been appointed to the European Chair of the Collège de France at Paris [2002-03], a Getty Visiting Professor in Buenos Aires [August 2002], an Honorary Chair at the University of Heidelberg, and Chairman of the Anthropology program at Karlsruhe [2000-2002].

Selected Publications:
Bild und Publikum im Mittelalter, Berlin 1981; Jan van Eyck als Erzähler [with D. Eichenberger], Worms 1983; Das Ende der Kunstgeschichte?, Munich 1983 [The End of the History of Art, Chicago 1987]; Giovanni Bellini. Pietà. Ikone und Bilderzählung in der venezianischen Malerei, Frankfurt 1985; Bild und Kult. Eine Geschichte des Bildes vor dem Zeitalter der Kunst, Munich 1990 [Likeness and Presence. A History of the Image Before the Era of Art, Chicago 1994]; Die Erfindung des Gemäldes [mit C. Kruse], Munich 1995; Das Ende der Kunstgeschichte. Eine Revision nach zehn Jahren, Munich 1995; Das Erbe der Bilder [ed. with L. Haustein], Munich 1998; Das Unsichtbare Meisterwerk. Die modernen Mythen der Kunst, Munich 1998 [The Invisible Masterpiece. The Modern Myths of Art, London / Chicago 2001]; Der zweite Blick. Bildgeschichte und Bildreflexion [with D. Kamper], Munich 2000; Die Moderne und kein Ende, in: H. Klotz, Die zweite Moderne, Munich 1996;



curatorial concept
artists and exhibits

zur deutschen Seite



Peter Galison
Dario Gamboni
Joseph Leo Koerner
Bruno Latour

Adam Lowe
Hans Ulrich Obrist
Peter Weibel

Hans Belting
Boris Groys
Denis Laborde
Marie-José Mondzain
Heather Stoddard

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Last update: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 2:25:38 PM.