Art & Language
100% Abstract, 1968
Acrylic on canvas
61,5 x 68,5 cm / unframed: 45 x 40,5 cm
Courtesy: Lisson Gallery, London
Imi Knoebel
Keilrahmen, 1968
Wood, paint
30 x 30 cm
Courtesy: Imi and Carmen Knoebel, Düsseldorf
Lucio Fontana
Concetto spaziale, ATTESE Questa mattina mi sono ... ed mal di denti, about 1967
Dispersion on canvas
54.3 x 65 cm
Courtesy: Frieder Burda Collection, Baden-Baden
Joseph Albers
Study for Homage to the Square: White Signal, 1961
Oil on peg boared
81 x 81 x 5 cm
Courtesy: FER Collection, Laupheim
Young Hay
Bonyour Young Hay (Performance after Courbet), 1995
Silvergelatine on Aludibond
160 x 120 x 4 cm
Courtesy: Prüss & Ochs Gallery / Asian Fine Arts, Berlin
Giovanni Anselmo
Invisible, 1971
slide-projection, slide showing the word invisible
FER Collection
Poubelle, 1964
Plexiglas on wood panel
28 x 20.1 x 4.7
Collection Feelisch, Remscheid
John M Armleder
RAL 3000, 1987
wooden chair with red plastic cover, acrylic on canvas
35.4 x 21.7 x 23.6 chair, 63 x 17.7 canvas
Collection Feelisch, Remscheid
Art & Language
Abstract Painting, 1967
silkscreen on canvas
24 x 15 x 1.6''
courtesy Mulier Mulier Gallery, Knokke Heist
Art & Language
Guaranteed Painting, 1967-1968
liquitex on canvas and photostat
two parts, each 17.7 x 12
courtesy Collection Art & Language and Lisson Gallery, London
Art & Language
Map not to indicate, 1967
letterpress print
edition of 50
19.7x 24.4
courtesy Lisson Gallery, London
Art & Language
Painting Sculpture, 1967
acrylic on hardboard
two parts, each 24 x 15.5
Collection Art & Language
Richard Artschwager
o. T. (Piano) [Untitled (Piano)], 1994
56.3 x 51.6 x 24
Collection Froehlich, Stuttgart
Fiona Banner
Arsewoman in Wonderland, 2001
silkscreen on aluminum
112.2 x 112.2
Jack Helgesen, Oslo
Robert Barry
Painting in Four Parts, 1967
oil on canvas over wood
four parts, each 4.1 x 4.1
FER Collection
Robert Barry
Radiation Piece, 1969
cesium 137 (liquid in plastic pipe, 0.51 MEV beta energy) H.L. 30 years
two parts / each 5.9 x 7.9
FER Collection
Joseph Beuys
Cosmos und Damian [Cosmos and Damian]
17.5 x 13.7
photos on cardboard, silver-bronze, brown oil paint
Collection Speck, Cologne
Joseph Beuys
Cosmos und Damian [Cosmos and Damian], 1973
5.8 x 4.1
Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Joseph Beuys
Das Schweigen [The Silence], 1973
five film spools of Ingmar Bergman´s movie Das Schweigen
galvanized / 9.8 x 15
Collection Froehlich, Stuttgart
Joseph Beuys
Der Fehler beginnt schon dann, wenn jemand Leinwand und Farbe kauft [The mistake already begins when you buy canvas and paint], 1985
poster, offset
23.4 x 33
Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Joseph Beuys
Der Fehler beginnt schon dann, wenn jemand Leinwand und Farbe kauft [The mistake already begins when you buy canvas and paint], 1985
5.8 x 4.1''
Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Joseph Beuys
Das Schweigen von Duchamp wird überbewertet [The silence of Marcel Duchamp is overrated], 1964
18.1 x 18.3''
Edition Steack, Heidelberg
Joseph Beuys
Hiermit trete ich aus der Kunst aus [I hereby resign from art], 1985
5.8 x 4.1
Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Joseph Beuys
Silberbesen und Besen ohne Haare [Silver broom and a broom without bristles], 1972
wooden broom with silver sheath and copper broom, felt lining
54.7 x 20.1
51.2 x 20.1
Collection Froehlich, Stuttgart
Joseph Beuys
Manifest, 1985
33 x 23.2''
Edition Steack, Heidelberg
Joseph Beuys
Manifest, 1985
5.8 x 4.1''
Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Ecke Bonk
Camera Typosophica, 2002
contains the works:
aide moi o media (1986-1996)
no it is opposition (1986-1996)
o grammar go (1986-1996)
mirror, cloud chamber
private collection, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
George Brecht
No smoking, 1961
steel plate with letters
13.8 x 31.5
Collection Feelisch, Remscheid
George Brecht
Water Yam, 1963-1965
Plexiglas tin with sticker
approx. 7.9 x 19.7 x 11.8
Collection Feelisch, Remscheid
Robert Breer
Hommage to Jean Tinguely´s Hommage to New York, 1960
film, DVD (originally 16mm), monitor
ZKM | Mediathek, videocollection, Karlsruhe
Candice Breitz
Babel Series, 1999
video installation, seven monitors and seven DVD players, color, sound
Johnen + Schöttle, Cologne
Marcel Broodthaers
M.B. (La signature série 1) [The signature series 1], 1969
black and red silkscreen on white tracing paper
21.7 x 29.5
Collection Feelisch, Remscheid
Günther Brus
Wiener Spaziergang (Körperanalysen) [Viennese Walk (body analyses)], 1965
video, monitor, pedestal
23.6 x 39.4 x 19.7
ZKM | Mediathek, videocollection, Karlsruhe
Günther Brus
Wiener Spaziergang [Viennese Walk], 1965
16 photographs, black-and-white
15.4 x 15.4
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Günther Brus
Selbstbemahlung I [Self-painting I], 1964-1984
15 photographs
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Günther Brus
Selbstbemahlung II [Self-painting II], 1964-1984
20 photographs
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Daniel Buren
Demultiple, 1973
acrylic on marquee fabric
83 x 3.9
Collection Speck, Cologne
André Cadere
Peinture sans fin [Painting without end], 1974
wooden bead-molding, polychromed from 52 individual parts
47.6 x 0.8
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Marcel Duchamp
Einladungskarte »Hommage to New York« [Invitation], 1960
29.5 x 9.1
Museum Jean Tinguely, Basel
Valie Export and Peter Weibel
Tapp und Tastkino [Tap and Touch Cinema], 1968
video on DVD, black and white
Generali Foundation, Vienna
Robert Filiou
Werkzeugkreuz [Tool cross], 1969
43.3 x 19.7 x 4.7
Collection Feelisch, Vienna
Lucio Fontana
Geschlitzte rosa Fläche (Multible) [Slashed pink area (multiple)]
11.8 x 11.8''
Galerie am Landesmuseum Johanneum, Graz
Jochen Gerz
2146 Steine Mahnmal gegen Rassismus [2146 Stones memorial against racism], 1993
four photographs
each 11.8 x 15.6
Atelier Gerz
Jochen Gerz
Harburger Mahnmal gegen Faschismus [The Harburg monument against fascism], 1986
slide show, 80 slides
Atelier Gerz
Richard Hamilton
Duchamp Map (Grosses Glas) [Übersetzung], 2002
inkjet print
53.9 x 66.9'', 51.2 x 66.9''
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam
Georg Herold
Das Bild als Verleumder [The picture as libelist], 1983
emulsion paint, jacket
39.4 x 27.6''
Collection Falckenberg, Hamburg
Georg Herold
Deutschland komplett [Germany complete], 1998
show-case with works
86.6 x 31.5 x 43.3''
Collection Falckenberg, Hamburg
Georg Herold
Handke und Fusske, 1982
books, 2 brooms, flower pot
46 x 31.5 x 15.7''
Collection Falckenberg, Hamburg
Georg Herold
Holz ohne Raum [wood without room]
wooden plank
118.1 x 5.9 x 5.9''
private collection
Georg Herold
Ruhm und Ehre der Sowjetsoldaten [Spendor and honor of the Sowjet soldiers], 1984
roofplanks, treemold, socks
19.7 x 23.6''
Collection Falckenberg, Hamburg
Georg Herold
Umweltschützer Herbert Zimmermann [Ecologist Herbert Zimmermann], 1983
emulsion paint, Schiefer
11.8 x 8.67''
Collection Falckenberg, Hamburg
Herz Rudolf
Melancholische Skulptur [Melancolic sculpture], 1996
three parts
approx. 39.4 x 27.56''
Collection Kurz, Natursteine GmbH
Jenny Holzer
More Survival, 1985
electronic led sign with red diodes
5.5 x 60.6 x 4
Collection Ute and Rudolf Scharpff, Stuttgart
Jörg Immendorff
Hört auf zu malen! [Stop painting!], 1966
Catolog Jörg Immendorff. Bild mit Geduld,
Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, 1996
John Isaacs
Ah! Donald Judd, my favourite!, 1991/1999
silvergelatine print
20.9 x 16.9''
Fluid Editions, Basel
Asger Jorn
Selfportrait as Lille havefru, 1963
silvergelatine print
11.8 x 7.9''
archive Axel Heil
thanks to Jaqueline De Jong
Richard Jackson
Untitled, 1971-1988
(reconstruction of an 1971 installation at the Cocoran Gallery of Art, Washinton)
acrylic on canvas, wood
three parts, each 95 x 42 x 2
Richard Jackson, courtesy Gallery Hauser & Wirth, Zurich
Allan Kaprow
Sawdust, 1970
offset on paper
16.9 x 24
Collection Feelisch, Remscheid
Martin Kippenberger
Modell Interconti, 1976
table with Gerhard Richter painting
14 x 27.6 x 15.8
Collection Gaby and Wilhelm Schürmann, Herzogenrath
Martin Kippenberger
Zerschnittenes Acryl-Bild [Sliced acrylic picture], 1991
oil on canvas
part of a 188.1 x 118.1 picture
15.4 x 20
Collection Speck, Cologne
Imi Knoebel
30 Keilrahmen [30 stretchers]
114.2 x 94.5 x 31.1
Imi & Carmen Knoebel, Düsseldorf
Imi Knoebel
Schwarzes Quadrat auf Buffet [Black square on buffet], 1984
acrylic on fiberboard
four parts
84.6 x 65 x 20.3
Collection Froehlich, Stuttgart
Imi Knoebel
Weiße Wand [White wall], 1969/1975/1997
acrylic on wood
eight parts
95.5 x 64.6 x 22.1
Imi & Carmen Knoebel, Düsseldorf
Simon Linke
Gene Davis | Jenny Holzer (Artforum) , 1986-1987
oil on canvas
72.1 x 72.1
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Thomas Locher
Kleine Hermeneutik des Schweigens [Little hermeneutics of silence], 1991
table with two chairs, aluminal construction, wood, engraved
1.2 x 78.7 x 27.6''
3.1 x 16.5 x 20.9''
courtesy Thomas Locher
George Maciunas
dedicated to the memory of George Macunias
plastic brief case
printed on silkscreen
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Piero Manzoni
Merda d´artista 078, 1961
metal can
hight 1.89, diameter 2.55
Archive Sohm, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
Walter de Maria
Word, 1963
pencil on cardboard
39.6 x 39.6
Collection Speck, Cologne
Walter de Maria
Rome eats shit, 1970
pencil on drawing board
59 x 39.4
Collection Speck, Cologne
Walter de Maria
New York eats shit, 1970
pencil on drawing board
59 x 39.4
Collection Speck, Cologne
Adolph Mathias and Sven Sahle
C-Variationen [C-variations], 2002
interactive installation
Gordon Matta-Clark
Conical Intersect, 1975
30 x 40
courtesy The State of Gordon Matta-Clark and David Zwirner
Gordon Matta-Clark
Conical Intersect, 1978
40 x 30
courtesy The State of Gordon Matta-Clark and David Zwirner
Gordon Matta-Clark
Conical Intersect, 1978
three color prints
courtesy The State of Gordon Matta-Clark and David Zwirner
Gordon Matta-Clark
Conical Intersect, 1974
ZKM | Mediathek videocollection, Karlsruhe
Gordon Matta-Clark
Humphrey Street Splitting
two photographs, black-and-white
9.8 x 7.9'', 7.9 x 9.8''
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Gordon Matta-Clark
Office Baroque, 1977
photograph, color
39.8 x 19.7''
courtesy Georg Kargl, Vienna
Allan McCollum
30 Plaster Surrogates, 1982-1990
acrylic on plaster
installation 67 x 189
Sprengel Museum, Hannover
Achim Mohné
Fireflies, 2002
light installation
Roman Opalka
1 - ∞, 1965
oil on canvas
52.8 x 77.2
FER Collection
Giulio Paolini
Chimera, 1975
acrylic on canvas
31.5 x 63
FER Collection
Giulio Paolini
Proteo I, 1971
fragments of a plaster bust
3.9 x 7.9 x 3.9
Kunstsammlungen zu Weimar, Neues Museum
Pavel Pepperstein
Ikone gegen Spiegel [Icon against mirror], 2002
24.8 x 18.5''
private collection, Palma de Mallorca
Francis Picabia
Spanish Lady with Child, 1922
guache and ink on paper glued to cardboard
Sigmar Polke
Dürer Hase [Dürer rabbit], 1968
oil on canvas
31.5 x 23.6
Collection Frieder Burda
Sigmar Polke
Moderne Kunst [Modern Art], 1968
acrylic and lacquer on canvas
59 x 49.3
René Block and Collection Froehlich, Stuttgart
Sigmar Polke
So sitzen Sie richtig (nach Goya und Max Ernst) [This is how you sit correctly (after Goya and Max Ernst)], 1982
acrylic, fabric
78.7 x 70.9
Collection Frieder Burda
Stephen Prina
Exquisite Corps, The Complete Paintings of Manet, 1988
silkscreen on cardboard
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Arnulf Rainer
Übermalung [Overpainting], 1984-1988
oil on wood
21.3 x 30.1
Collection Frieder Burda
Arnulf Rainer
Übermaltes Schwiegermuttermonument [Overpainted mother-in-law monument], 1960
oil on canvas
78.7 x 51.4''
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Ad Reinhardt
Abstract Painting, 1960
oil on canvas
15 x 15''
courtesy Georg Kargl, Vienna
Ad Reinhardt
iris.time, 1963
newspaperprint on paper
courtesy Georg Kargl, Vienna
Gerhard Richter
Zwei Grau nebeneinander [Two greys next to each other], 1966
oil on canvas
78.6 x 59
Collection Froehlich, Stuttgart
Axel Roch
»../voyure en survol« - Pour Petit a. / [»../voyeur and surveil« for little a.], 2002
interactive installation
197 x 138 x 236
Axel Roch
Dieter Roth
Gewürzkiste [Spice box], 1971
wood, glass, five spices in separate compartments
30.7 x 61.8 x 2.8
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Collection Ploil, Vienna
Dieter Roth
Puppe in Milchschokolade [Milk chocolate covered doll]
doll, milk chocolate
11.8 x 4.7''
Collection Ploil, Vienna
Claude Rutault
d/m 126 bis, 1984
88 canvases
Musée dart moderne et contemporain de Strasbourg, Collection Jean Brolly, Paris
Joachim Sauter and Dirk Lüsebrink
Zerseher [The De-Viewer]
installation, DVD
Joachim Sauter, Dirk Lüsebrink
Jeffrey Shaw
The Golden Calf, 1995
portable LCD monitor
39.4 x 19.7 x 19.7
Jeffrey Shaw
Daniel Spoerri
Palette pour Grégoire Müller [Pallet for Grégoire Müller], 1992
assemblage with color tube, empty turpentine bottles, cleaning rags, etc. on wood
36.2 x 84.3 x 7.9
ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe
Klaus Staeck
... es darf ruhig etwas mehr kosten [... it can easily cost a bit more], 1988
5.8 x 4.1
Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Klaus Staeck
Auf der Barrikade (1789-1989) [On the warpath (1789-1989)], 1988
5.8 x 4.1
Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Klaus Staeck
Coca-Cola, 1994
5.8 x 4.1
Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Klaus Staeck
Vorsicht Kunst [Beware of Art], 1982
3.1 x 2''
Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Klaus Staeck
Vorsicht Kunst [Beware of Art], 1982
emaille plate
7.9 x 7.9''
Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Klaus Staeck
Vorsicht Kunst! [Beware of Art!], 1982
5.8 x 4.1
Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Klaus Staeck
Vorsicht Kunst! [Beware of Art!], 1982
2 x 4
Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Klaus Staeck
Vorsicht Kunst! [Beware of Art!], 1982
98.4 x 139.4
Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Klaus Staeck
Zurück zur Natur [Back to nature], 1985
5.8 x 4.1
Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Elaine Sturtevant
Duchamp Bicycle Wheel, 1969-1973
bicycle wheel, wooden footstool
53.2 x 23.6 x 13.8
FER Collection
Elaine Sturtevant
Study for Johns White Numbers, 1973
encaustic on canvas
two pieces
35.4 x 26.8
private courtesy
Endre Tót
Dada-Messe in Berlin [Dada-fair in Berlin], 1989
acrylic on canvas
49.2 x 79.1
Collection Speck, Cologne
Endre Tót
Golgotha, 1993
acrylic on canvas
78.7 x 118.1
Endre Tót, Cologne
Günther Uecker
Die schöne Helena [The beautiful Helena], 1982-1983
broom, cleaning rag, nails from the Roman Age
57.5 x 21.7 x 5.1
Collection Feelisch, Remscheid
Da ist eine kriminelle Berührung in der Kunst, 1976
Video, 25 min
ZKM | Mediathek, videocollection, Karlsruhe
Timm Ulrichs
»Bild«-Bilder [»Picture«-pictures] , 1966
black adhesive plastic letters, adhesive tape
dimensions variable
Timm Ulrichs
Timm Ulrichs
»Ich kann keine Kunst mehr sehen!«, 11.3.1975 [I cant stand seeing art any more, 11 March 1975] , 1975
postcards and emaille pins
Timm Ulrichs
Timm Ulrichs
Bildrückseitenbild [Picture of the back of a picture] , 1961-1968
photograph on canvas on stretchers (front view)
fabric tape, labels, hanger (back view)
15.7 x 19.7
edition of 50, numbered and signed
Collection Hüper, Timm Ulrichs
Timm Ulrichs
The End, 1970/90/97
video on DVD, color, silent
6.09 min
three parts
Timm Ulrichs
Ben Vautier
No more art, 1985
5.8 x 4.1
Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Ben Vautier
No more art, 1985
laquer on canvas
19.7 x 27.6
Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Wolf Vostell
Mozart Partitur [Mozart score], 1982
piano minuet, ink, paint
7.5 x 29.5
Collection Feelisch, Remscheid
Franz Erhard Walther
40 Sockel [40 plinths], 1978
cotton, wood, glue
148 pieces, each 14.6 x 3.5
Franz Erhard Walther, courtesy Gallery Vera Munro
Franz Erhard Walther
Objekt für Wechsel (1. Werksatz) [Object for change (1. set of tools)], 1967
typewriter paper, photograph, black-and-white
15.8 x 23.6
Collection Feelisch, Remscheid
Robert Watts
Events, 1964-1965
transparent box
5.1 x 7.2 x 1.2
Collection Feelisch, Remscheid
Marijke van Warmerdam
Another Planet, 1998
Marijke van Warmerdam
Peter Weibel
Rahmen-Formalismus [Frames-formalism], 1992
steel band, soldered
21.1 x 67.2 x 0.2
Neue Galerie im Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Peter Weibel
Rahmenproportionen [Frame proportions] , 1992
wooden frame, glued spruce wood
24.8 x 73.6 x 5.5
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Peter Weibel and Valie Export
Aus der Mappe der Hundigkeit [ From the Portfolio of Doggedness] , 1969
photographs, black-and-white
each 19.7 x 15.9
Generali Foundation, Vienna
Peter Zimmermann
Isaak Babel. So wurde es in Odessa gemacht [That is how it is done in Odessa]
acrylic on canvas
23.6 x 15.8
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Collection Weibel
Yoko Ono
This Is not Here
Catalog, 1971
Archive Sohm at the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart