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inactiveTopic E Berliner   topic started 20.03.2002; 15:05:48
last post 20.03.2002; 15:05:48

user maryam - E Berliner    blueArrow
20.03.2002; 15:05:48 (reads: 6166, responses: 0)


Exhibits : Selected Exhibits

Segment of the Berlin Wall, 1975 - November 1989
Concrete; Original part of the Berlin Wall, no. 296
120 x 360 x 209 cm
Courtesy: Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn

[Part of the section curated by Dario Gamboni]



selected exhibits
curatorial concept
artists and exhibits

zur deutschen Seite



Peter Galison
Dario Gamboni
Joseph Leo Koerner
Bruno Latour

Adam Lowe
Hans Ulrich Obrist
Peter Weibel

Hans Belting
Boris Groys
Denis Laborde
Marie-José Mondszain
Heather Stoddard


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Last update: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 11:04:03 PM.