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Von Christoph Pingel, am 4.10.04 um 19:08:09 Uhr.

nownextopen questions
Application based on XML-FilesApplication based on SQL database (dynamic)-
static contentdynamic content-
editors use tableseditors use GUI to edit db contents-
simple "spider web" graphs»Kohonen Maps« using multi-dimensional descriptive data to determine 'neighborhood'need to find best Python lib for Kohonen Map
sophisticated graphs using .dot format (ATT)algorithm to be determined
rendering is done on the server or clientFlash or DHTML?
Customization/User Experience
user keeps history only per sessionuser keeps history across sessions-
-users can subscribe RSS feeds belonging to chosen topic-
-users can add items to individual collection-
Building Relevance
connections are hard coded by editorsadditional connections are created automatically by means of algorithmssee above, Kohonen Maps
-> »Concept Net« (MIT)XML-RPC or 'integrated' solution?
-> neural networklearning goal and input to be defined
user entries become part of searchable database-
data are accessed only by our own clientdata are accessed by other CMS via remote procedure call or REST, SOAP or XML-RPCcopyright: which license?
providing RSS feeds-