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Was der Krieg im Irak kostet:
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inactiveTopic Iraq? topic started 24.09.2001; 15:22:39
last post 24.09.2001; 15:22:39
user Christoph Pingel - Iraq?  blueArrow
24.09.2001; 15:22:39 (reads: 5854, responses: 0)
Dave Winer would not be surprised "if we dropped the first nukes since WWII on Iraq this week". But I would be surprised, although, according to Christopher Hitchens and others, US troops have commited war crimes over and over. I hope they are not so foolish. Dave Winer continues: »I wonder why they're not evacuating Baghdad right now. The purpose of such an attack would be two-fold. One, the linear one, it will immediately get rid of one of the sources of world terrorism, the easiest and least defended such target. Second, the curve ball, it will send a message to our so-called allies that the "with us or against us" position has teeth.«

I guess that this nuclar war strategist fails to explain (let alone imagine) what would happen in this case, besides the terrible, unbearable suffering of the people there: The whole islamic world would fight against us, no matter how much hypocrite peace-making with the medieval Iranian regime takes place beforehand. Half a million suicide fighters? Some ironic might call this "deescalation". Have a look at the A-Bomb WWW Museum, perhaps the Children of Hiroshima page to understand why it's cynical to use the terms 'nukes' and 'purpose' in the same paragraph.

I think what it all comes down to in the end is the question: What is our goal? Has war become our goal already? Or is it still peace? If the latter is the case, we have to think hard.

In the two large military 'campaigns' for 'human rights' (against Iraq in 1991 and against Yugoslavia in 1999) that the US commandeered, one observation struck me most. It is the fact that as soon as military logic takes over, that is, as soon as the fighting begins, any 'humanist' background disappears. It's just plain old war: deadly bombs all over the place, bomber pilots in deadly rage about (civilian) people celebrating their resistance on a bridge, civilian casualties, hunger, refugees, instability, mafia taking over (Kosovo), cultural values destroyed.

The (civilised!) US forces destroyed 6000 years old monuments in Iraq during "Desert Storm" for no other reason than to demoralize the enemy. What the Taliban did to the Buddha statues was just a lame joke in comparison. There is no military need to do that. And the sanctions since then effectively meant that more babies died after they were born than in the decades before. Same in Yugoslawia. Orthodox churches (!) were destroyed in large numbers. Are they perhaps a kind of miracle ammunition for serb paramilitary fighters? And what about the television station that was being bombed? A civil target! It was called a legitimate target because it was a source of propaganda - well, according to this logic, US PR-agency Ruder Finn would have been a legitimate target for Yugoslav attacks at least since they launched the story about the fictional Serb concentration camps (they received a professional award for it and lauded themselves to have drawn the Jewish community to their side - what a shame!).

Now tell me: If I can't trust US leaders in times of relative peace (remember the Levensky-induced bombing of Sudan pharmaceutical plant?) or limited military action for 'humanistic' purposes, why should I trust them in this "new war"?

One more word about Iraq. This one is for the conspiration theorists. A peace researcher who studied press coverage of the major world conflicts for the last 15 years once told me in personal conversation that he believes that Iraq had been trapped. They had been armed by the US against Iran during the 80s, and now there needed to be disarmament, so they received a hint from the US that there were no objections against an invasion in Kuwait. The rest is called "Desert Storm". Of course I don't know if it happened that way, but it's certainly not unthinkable.

I don't think there is more stupidity in America than elsewhere. But what I find absolutely disgusting and unbearable is the impression that American leaders think that *I* am stupid and that they can play tricks on me. Same holds, by the way, for our own politicians in Berlin.

Oh, there's one more thing - do you know how much money the US owe to the United Nations? Roughly 2 billion dollars. And do you know why they don't pay?

If you are interested, here's what needs to be done...