now | next | open questions |
Content |
Application based on XML-Files | Application based on SQL database (dynamic) | - |
static content | dynamic content | - |
editors use tables | editors use GUI to edit db contents | - |
Graphics |
simple "spider web" graphs | »Kohonen Maps« using multi-dimensional descriptive data to determine 'neighborhood' | need to find best Python lib for Kohonen Map |
| sophisticated graphs using .dot format (ATT) | algorithm to be determined |
| rendering is done on the server or client | Flash or DHTML? |
Customization/User Experience |
user keeps history only per session | user keeps history across sessions | - |
- | users can subscribe RSS feeds belonging to chosen topic | - |
- | users can add items to individual collection | - |
Building Relevance |
connections are hard coded by editors | additional connections are created automatically by means of algorithms | see above, Kohonen Maps |
| -> »Concept Net« (MIT) | XML-RPC or 'integrated' solution? |
| -> neural network | learning goal and input to be defined |
| user entries become part of searchable database | - |
Interoperability |
data are accessed only by our own client | data are accessed by other CMS via remote procedure call or REST, SOAP or XML-RPC | copyright: which license? |
| providing RSS feeds | - |