Digital Guqin Museum : Virtual World /Real World
Picture book
LianHuanHua Á¬»·» /BD/Comic book : Digital Guqin Museum Story
or go here directly:
To contribute to the Virtual World HuaHui House to the Real World; go here:
Upcoming live demo presentations:
SLactions09 sept 09 Hong Kong : how sl as a platform serves the VW /RL use of a Digital Guqin Museum
CHIME nov 2009 Brussels : how Virtual Worlds could contribute to Preserving, Promoting and Developing Guqin Art and Culture.
posted 11july09
Digital Guqin : 2D to 3D$63
New Event!
"Digital Guqin Museum live demo and talk in Virtual World Secondlife" by sl Swannjie (avatar name) aka real life Shuen-git Chow,
3rd Dec 2008, Transmusicale Festival, Mixed Reality, Rennes, France