NEW!!! 2007-2008 ::
"Digital Guqin :: Museum in Secondlife Virtual World "
real time Digital Guqin instruments in a walk-in 3D environment,
pavilions for listening,
and playing Guqin music
IM Swann Jie or Swannjie Jie in Secondlife
Photos coming soon!!
1:: Lantern Bed :: A Neo-Ming style bed with French components in hard white wood , Luxembourg Chateau, Luxembourg. 1995
2:: Tell the Moon, Yuzi Paradise, Guilin, China. 1999
Steel and Stainless steel
6meter in diameter, 4.5m ht
3:: Fly me to the Moon, YueYuanYuan, Shanghai, China. 2005 ->
5meters in diameter, 5m ht
footprint 12meters movable
3a version Jewel
supporting members are cladded with multicolor enameled beads
3b version Smooth
supporting members are smooth exposing original material which ages with the weather
3c version Ribbon
bouncing legs the overall shape of the sculpture changes as sufficient collective force by visitors gathers to displace the legs
3d version Folds
metal ribbons are folded to reflect light coming from many angles the structure is fixed and stable
3e version Veil
the structure is enclosed in a semi veil creating a translucide space within
3f version Wild Flowers
the structure is held together with veins of secondary structures in a floral lace pattern
3g version W
the structure is woven together like a basket with variable sizes of opening, curvilinear lines on the walls
4:: Fly me to the Moon, 24/7 Digital Guqin music, musical installation with Digital Guqin music
4 speakers located inside the fmttm -
The fmttm sound track consists of ever renewed cycles of 4 sequential selections :
Flowing water (guqin classic reference track), Pale Ink (digital guqin non repeating), Zebrafish (digital guqin non repeating),
SpaceAgePop (random choice from a pre-selected fixed pool of 200 tracks)
5:: "Moble Music" :: a soft walk-in sculpture with Digital Guqin music installation,
a pavilion for listening,
Monumental Sculpture Triennale, Poznan, Poland, Oct. 2006