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small fish

  . notes on Small Fish

  . on_cd-rom

  . on_show AEC Linz

  . on_show ICC Tokyo

  . on_show MeSci Tokyo

  . on_show C3 Budapest

  . in_concert sf_tale 

  . as_workshop LMSF

  . biographies

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small fish exhibitions

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inactiveTopic small fish exhibitions topic started 05.11.2002; 15:14:52
last post 05.11.2002; 15:14:52
user wolfgang muench - small fish exhibitions  blueArrow
05.11.2002; 15:14:52 (reads: 18418, responses: 0)

YCAM Center for Art and Media, Yamaguchi, Japan, 2004
Panasonic-Center, Tokyo, Japan, 2004

Niihama City Welfare Center, Niihama, Japan, 2003

d-motion, Halle, Germany, 2002
ZKMusik, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, 2002
Lovebytes Festival, Sheffield, 2002

Interaction01, International Academie of Media Arts and Science, Ogaki-City (Japan), 2001
KAMUNA, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, 2001
turbulence 01 / forum itinerant Le-Maillon, Strassburg, 2001
science + fiction / C3 Foundation , Budapest, 2001
Miraikan Science Museum, Tokyo, 2001

machine times, DEAF00, Rotterdam, 2000
Medien Kunst Aktuell / Update 2.0, Goethe Institut, 2000
Warschauer Musik Herbst, Warschau, 2000
Ars Electronica Linz / Brucknerhaus, Linz, 2000
Digital Alice / Media City Seoul, 2000
The Electronic and Digital Art Show, Johannesburg South Africa, 2000
mikro.lounge #26 / interactive cybernetic music, Berlin, 2000
European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, 2000
Radiator - The Digital Arts Festival, Nottingham, 2000
Exploding Cinema / International Film Festival, Rotterdam, 2000
Children Week, ICC Inter Communication Center, Tokio, 2000
Transmediale, Berlin, 2000
Sony Center Berlin / Music Box, Berlin, 2000
St‘Art, Strassburg, 2000
Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Stuttgart, 2000

Miniature Music, Kyoto, 1999
Cartoombria / Fondazione Umbria Spettacolo, Perugia, 1999
Prix Ars Electronica Tour Exhibition, 1999
Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, 1999

permanent exhibitions:

Miraikan Science Museum, Tokyo, Juni 2001
< ahref="http://www.aec.at/en/archives/center_projekt_ausgabe.asp?iProjectID=11183">Ars Electronica Center, Linz, September 2000

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