



  . about bubbles

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small fish

  . notes on Small Fish

  . on_cd-rom

  . on_show AEC Linz

  . on_show ICC Tokyo

  . on_show MeSci Tokyo

  . on_show C3 Budapest

  . in_concert sf_tale 

  . as_workshop LMSF

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bubbles exibitions

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inactiveTopic bubbles exibitions topic started 04.11.2002; 17:30:44
last post 04.11.2002; 17:30:44
user wolfgang muench - bubbles exibitions  blueArrow
04.11.2002; 17:30:44 (reads: 19318, responses: 0)

1998 January: First Scetch
2000 July: Prototype at Schloss Wahn, Theaterwissenschaftliche Sammlung, Universität Köln


Artgames, Ludwig Forum Aachen, Germany, 2005
Phaeno Science Center, Wolfsburg, Germany, 2005
l’art de produire l’art, Le Fresnoy, Paris, France, 2005
Kunstfest Weimar, Weimar, Germany, August 2005
ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany, March 2005
EMPAC, Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center, Troy NY, US, 2005
Exploratium, COEX, Busan, Korea, February 2005
IHK Industrie und Handelskammer, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2005

San Francisco Scientific Exploration Festival, COEX, Seoul, Korea, 2004
KAMEX Korea Amuse World Game Expo, COEX, Seoul, Korea, 2004
Cluster, Torino, Italy, 2004
5th Seoul European Film Festival, Megabox COEX, Seoul, Korea, 2004
BMW Group IT Community Event, Muenchen, Germany, 2004
Art+Science2004, Insa Art Gallery , Gana Art Center, Seoul, Korea, 2004
Stadtgeburtstag, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2004
R+V Versicherung, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2004
Empire Concourse, Albany, NY, USA, 2004
Machmitmuseum Aurich, Aurich, Germany, 2004

Junior Museum, Troy, NY, USA, 2003
Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore, 2003
YCAM, Yamaguchi, Japan, 2003
Maison et Objet fair, Paris France, 2003
Loisium, Langenlois, Austria, 2003
Dialogue with Light and Shadow, Niigata, Japan, 2003

mediaterra, Athen, Greece, 2002
d-motion, Halle, Germany, 2002
1site2places02, Sindelfingen, Germany, 2002
Watermans Gallery, London, UK, 2002
Viper Festival, Basel, Suisse, 2002
ISEA 2002, Nagoya, Japan , 2002
NavigateAtart - Faszination virtueller Welten, VW Forum Berlin, 2002
Laval Virtual 2002, Laval (France), 2002
Fushigi Expo, Shizuoka (Japan), 2002
Digital Delights Festival, Macau / Hongkong, 2002
Lovebytes Festival, Sheffield, 2002
Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Stuttgart, 2002

Interaction01, International Academie of Media Arts and Science, Ogaki, Japan, 2001
KAMUNA, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, 2001

permanent exhibitions:

Phaeno Science Center, Wolfsburg, Germany, November 2005
Junior Museum, Troy, NY, USA, November 2003
LOISIUM, Langenlois, Austria, September 2003
ZKM | Medienmuseum, Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2002

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