Zang Kexin, artist, born 1978 in Peking,
lives and works in Düsseldorf and Beijing
⁄⁄ The Over Half a Hundreds, 2006 photographies, video
Recreation researcher Yuan believes that in high-speed
urbanization China only one group really enjoys life: the
over half a hundreds. I went to Beijing in order to take
some portraits of these over 50-year olds – since the 1920s,
but particularly during the Cultural Revolution, they experienced
so many terrible things that they would really
have every reason to be as miserable as sin. But the opposite
is the case: the over half a hundreds who meet every
other morning in the parks for exercise, are the happiest
people I know. I wanted to find out the reason why ⁄⁄ ... ⁄⁄
Catalogue excerpt, by Zang Kexin
Works in the exhibition: The Overhalfahundreds (Tai-Chi Ball Players), 2006, c-print, photo board, ed. 1/7, 37 x 29 cm / (Ping Opera Group), 2006, c-print, photo board, ed. 1/7, 28
x 37 cm / (Latin-American Dancers), 2006, cprint,
photo board, ed. 1/7, 36 x 30 cm / (Winter Swimmers),
2006, c-print, photo board, ed. 1/7, 37 x 28 cm / (Seniors
Disco), 2006, c-print, photo board, ed. 1/7, 28,5 x 36,5 cm /
(Units Gymnast), 2006, c-print, photo board, ed. 1/7, 36 x 30 cm / (Archaeological Wanderer), 2006, c-print, photo board,
ed. 1/7, 31 x 31 cm / The Overhalfahundreds, 2006, video
(DVD), 60min, colour, sound / all works loan of the artist