Xi Chuan, writer, born 1963 in Xuzhou, lives and works in Beijing
⁄⁄ 50 photographs, scripts, materials of 'Der letzte Aberglaube'
Traditionally, the Chinese 'professed' Confucianism. Confucius
said: 'One must respect supernatural powers, but
keep a distance to them.' Since the middle of the 20th
Century, hardly anyone in China still believes in supernatural
powers in the traditional sense. In its stead came
materialism followed by consumerism. The places in which
the gods and the spirits reside on this side of the great divide,
were either sealed off for preservation purposes and
consequently sunk behind a pile of dust or were places of
refuge for the blind, for pigeons, the lame and for tramps.
In recent years it appears that this situation has once again
changed ⁄⁄ ... ⁄⁄
Catalogue excerpt, by Xi Chuan
contribution for the exhibition: 50 photographs, scripts, materials of 'Der letzte Aberglaube'