Echo YinSin Ho, artist, born 1973 in Peking, lives and works in Cologne
Multimedia installation
We are at each moment where we are; inside a space of
flowing sound streams and phantasmagoric motion images
projected on a shelf, which is shaped like a word:
heterotopia. While we tend to approach the shelf and our
body enters the 'forbidden area,' all hidden lights will
turn on, making the projection vanish in a flood of light.
According to Foucault’s description of heterotopology,
Echo Ho returned to her hometown Beijing in summer
2005. She explored many of the 'Other Spaces' in the
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Catalogue excerpt, by Echo Yinsin Ho
Works in the exhibition: IMMEMORIAL HETEROTOPIA, 2006, metal, plexiglass, loudspeakers, motion detector, video, prints; in cooperation with Hannes Hölzl; loan of the artist
© Echo YinSin Ho