Section P Flash Lights
Contemporary artists play freely with materials and forms. They construct laboratories of perception, focusing on human perception and the ability to manipulate and condition it. The artists work with a direct reference to the modern environment and use its artifacts such as strobe lights, auto taillights and spot lights. Many contemporary works display their technical construction: Jason Rhoades, Yoshiaki Kaihatsu. Carsten Höller, and Olafur Eliasson, for example, create light spaces situated between sensual experience and scientific experiment. Mike Kelley's "Light (Time) – Space Modulator" (2003) is a direct reference to Moholy-Nagy. The spatial and temporal structures are deconstructed by means of projection. John M Armleder overwhelmingly floods viewers with optical stimuli while Björn Dahlem in "Schwarzes Loch" [Black Hole] (1998) depicts the black matter that draws everything – and ultimately light – into its center of energy. Three works offer an indication of the future of light techniques at the interface of art and cutting-edge technologies: "Laserfilm" (2000) by Thomas Beth, Michael Schmid and Jörn Müller-Quade and "Bergers Xenon X-treme" (2005), a cooperation between Thomas Berger and the University of Karlsruhe's Light Technology Institute, as well as Tim Otto Roth's "Videochipphotogramm" (2000/2005).