Author:   H. Borowski  
Posted: 13.04.2004; 17:23:32
Topic: Revan Barlas | e
Msg #: 15 (top msg in thread)
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Revan Barlas
In Cooperation with
Belmin Söylemez and Haçnet Tologlu:
Artificial kiss, 2004

cylindrical video-installation
mini-DV on DVD, 24:58 min, sound, colour
room ca. 400 x 200 cm
Revan Barlas, Courtesy ZKM


Artificial Kiss

She walks.
She walks completing the same vicious circle every day.
A cross-dresser, crossing bodies, crossing the same dark streets of the hostile city.
She is neither male or female. She lives in neither the east or the west.
Her existence is one of uncertainty, just like the city of obscurity. Calling herself many different names, a desperate yearn.
Changing, transforming, betraying ones identity are no stranger to her.
The city is a construction of layers, like re-shaping her body with silicon
like repeated plastic surgery.
The wounds multiply.
To pause is a luxury.
Walk with her. Observe and be part of her routine.

Thousands of transvestites transsexuals live in Istanbul.
Speaking the gypsy language.
Pushed around.
Cursed, humiliated.
Feeling like aliens.

Prostitution is the only choice for survival.
They usually work in highways. They call it the »The Death Road«.
Waiting. Exposing. In fear.

A two-faced city.

There is no happy end in this story.
Observe .
The dead end.

Text: Belmin Söylemez