in Çay Salonu: admission: EUR 5/3
16 May 7 p.m. , Concert 2/5 BZ aka Serhat Köksal: no turistik, no egzotik As live-performance artist, Köksal mixes raw electronica with an Istanbul street noise backdrop and ghetto-blaster distorted oriental pop: Turkish foreign and self depictions in the breakbeat shredder! And the screen flickers, too: analogous to the sound, in addition to his work on samples and electronics, Köksal also deconstructs Turkish films from the 1970s: cut-up art for eyes and ears.
east - west - trash - clash: Köhler and kri play Grand Prix A day after the worldwide broadcast of the Grand Prix d�Eurovision from the Turkish metropolis, came »east - west - trash � clash«: sound engineer kri and producer Andreas Köhler (F Communications) loot the archives, overstep all genres and borders of taste and tear to shreds the high and low culture of European pop hits from Scandinavia to the Bosporus.
4 June 10 p.m., Concert, Philip Jeck and Janek Schaefer play Istanbul, record pre-release party Star turntable artists from two generations � their common fascination in new sounds from old vinyl and modified record players brought them together in Istanbul. For their new project, they have collected an eclectic mix of Turkish records and use it as the starting material for new, site-specific compositions. For the ZKM concert, Jeck und Schaefer will weave new patterns from their urban sound impressions. (The new album �Istanbul� will be released in summer).
25 June 8 p.m. , Sound/ Video/ Performance, Werner Cee, ISTANBUL CRESCENDO Like a swimmer, the silhouettes of the markets and mosques emerge on both banks of the Bosporus. Like a tireless runner, the listener crosses through the vibrant soundscapes of every part of the city of Istanbul. Presenting a highlight of the supporting program, the live visual and oral presentation by Werner Cee will take place in the media theater; video mix by Gabriele Engelhardt and a reading from the books of Orhan Pamuk. In collaboration with HR Radio Hessen.
2 July
10 p.m. Concert, noman »An experimental blend of choice western digital sounds with finest near east Turkish rhythms and melodies« Semsik Dogan: sas, vocals / Michael Saup: sas, digital art /Paul Modler: keyboards, digital audio / invited guest artists noman is a platform for the contact between cultural and individual worlds: the sound stage of Central European electronica meets its partner in dialogue in the Turkish notation system, its instruments (sas) and singing. In this noman concert, staged especially for the Istanbul accompanying program, the musicians will be supported by guests from the impenetrable orbit of the HfG (Academy of design)�s pool of artists.