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David Claerbout
* 1969 in Kortrijk (B), lives and works in Brüssel (B) and Berlin (D)

Imagination Becomes Reality Conclusion

Works in the Exhibition | Text

Works in the Exhibition

Shadow Piece, 2005, single-channel video installation (b/w, sound), 30'19"


Belgian artist David Claerbout operates on the borders of photography and video. In a way typical of many of his works, Shadow Piece, 2005 presents the viewer initially with the projection of a black-and-white photograph of a spacious, probably 1950s staircase in an office or apartment building. From the first upper story, we gaze down over the banisters of the curved staircase to the entrance hall and through the glass doors to the sunny sidewalk beyond. Only after looking at the image for quite some time do we hear footsteps approaching the building and watch people go up to the closed doors, shake them, and disappear again. In the exhibition the image fills the entire wall, so that visitors feel they are on the landing, actually in the space overlooking the staircase projected onto the wall. Claerbout thus not only incorporates the museum in his installation, but also makes the viewer an integral part of the work.

Text excerpt »Images are generated by a gaze searching for new and personal insights. They are images of those gazing at the world.« (Author: Stephan Urbaschek), Exhibition Catalogue Imagination Becomes Reality Conlusion

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