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inactiveTopic David Thorpe | e topic started 21.02.2007; 19:31:47
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user silke altvater - David Thorpe | e  blueArrow
21.02.2007; 19:31:47 (reads: 5582, responses: 0)
David Thorpe
* 1972 in London (GB), lives and works in London (GB)

Part III_Talking Pictures

Works in the Exhibition | Interview

David Thorpe: History is nothing the world is nothing our love can make us clean, 2004
Photo: courtesy Goetz Collection
Heinz Pelz, Karlsruhe

Works in the Exhibition

The Colonist, 2004, collage on hardboard in veneered round frame
Untitled, 2004, gouache, pencil, verneer on brown paper, framed
Eternity and Resistance, 2004, plaster, leather, fabric, verneer on base
History is nothing the world is nothing our love can make us clean, 2004, collage on hardboard with verneered frame
Untitled, 2004, Watercolor, Pencil on paper, framed
The Protecting Army I, 2004, movable wall of wooden framework and glass
Untitled, 2004, gouache, pencil film (transparent(yellow), self-adhesive tape on brown paper, framed
The Protecting Army III, 2004, movable wall of wooden framework and glass


Rainald Schumacher: Who are the friends of liberty?
David Thorpe: Who are my friends of liberty? I began creating a world out of a desire to participate. There were artists, writers, thinkers, filmmakers whose work I liked a great deal and in some way I wanted to be part of their worlds or, more precisely, to make my own world that would somehow collaborate with theirs. Slowly I have begun to think of them, or rather their work, as friends, as liberators, people who have somehow started me off down curious roads of discovery. They have set me free. Over time you begin to need some of them less. New friends come along, or sometimes you feel happy quite alone; but I find it exhilarating and comforting to participate in history, surrounded and protected as in a dialogue with my 'friends'. It serves as nourishment, like a barrier to the world or as an alternative to it. Also, to build up a 'tradition' that you can become an inheritor and a participator of, and a creator of a peculiar family tree.

Text excerpt »My friends of liberty« - A Conversation via E-mail with David Thorpe, December 2005 (Author: Rainald Schumacher), Exhibition Catalogue Imagination Becomes Reality Part III_Talking Pictures