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inactiveTopic Magnus Plessen | e topic started 21.02.2007; 19:09:10
last post 21.02.2007; 19:09:10
user silke altvater - Magnus Plessen | e  blueArrow
21.02.2007; 19:09:10 (reads: 7019, responses: 0)
Magnus Plessen
* 1967 in Hamburg (D), lives and works in Berlin (D)

Part V_Fantasy and Fiction

Works in the Exhibition | Interview

Magnus Plessen: Innen, 2003
Photo: courtesy Goetz Collection
Wilfried Petzi, München

Works in the Exhibition

Innen, 2003, Oil on canvas
Aussen, 2003, Oil on canvas


Karsten Löckemann: Some of your early paintings are "[subject to] the photographic mode."(1) Now your works have become much more abstract. Can you tell me something about this change?
Magnus Plessen: First and foremost, I would say that my paintings have become more direct and experimental.
Karsten Löckemann: What do you mean by that? How has your working process changed?
Magnus Plessen: I no longer refer to existing images when I paint.

(1) Ulrich Look: Hyperrealisierung, in Magnus Plessen, exh. cat. Neues Kunstmuseum Luzern, Lucerne 2001, p. 11

Text excerpt »I feel that every picture stands in the way of what it portrays« - A Conversation via E-mail with Magnus Plessen, August 2006 (Author: Karsten Löckemann), Exhibition Catalogue Imagination Becomes Reality Part V_Fantasy and Fiction