Books 1995 - 1999

Author:   Christoph Pingel  
Posted: 07.02.2002; 16:24:35
Topic: Books 1995 - 1999
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Last Update: March 3, 2016


Alle möglichen Welten. Virtuelle Realität, Wahrnehmung, Ethik der Kommunikation by Manfred Faßler (München 1999)

Cyber-Moderne. Medienevolution, globale Netzwerke und die Künste der Kommunikation by Manfred Faßler (Wien 1999)

Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace by Lawrence Lessig (New York 1999)

Communities in Cyberspace by Marc A. Smith and Peter Kollock (New York 1999)

Controversies in Media Ethics by David A. Gordon and Michael John Kittross (Eds.) (New York 1999)

Democracy.com? Governance in a Networked World by E.C. Kamarck and J.S. Nye Jr.(Eds.) (Hollis, NH 1999)

Die Konsequenzen von Informationsassistenten by Rainer Kuhlen (Frankfurt a.M. 1999)

Der Wissensnavigator. Das Lexikon der Zukunft by Arthur P. Schmidt (Stuttgart 1999)

Doing Internet Research: Critical Issues and Methods for Examining the Net by Steve Jones (Ed.) (Thousand Oaks, CA 1999)

Electronic Literacies: Language, Culture, and Power in Online Education by Mark Warschauer (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 1999)

Ethics and Electronic Information in the 21st Century by Lester J. Pourciau, Ed. (Purdue University Press 1999)

Ethics in Technical Communication by P.M. Donbrowski (Prentice Hall 1999)

Exploding the Gene Myth: How Genetic Information is Produced and Manipulated by Scientists, Physicians, Employers, Insurance Companies, Educators by R. Hubbard and E. Wald (Beacon Press 1999)

Free for All: The Struggle for Dominance on the Digital Frontier by M. Fraser (New York 1999)

Genetic Testing and the Use of Information by M.S. Watson et al. (American Enterprise Intitute Press 1999)

Global Public Goods: International Cooperation in the 21st Century by I. Kaul, I. Grunberg, M.A. Stern (Eds.) (New York 1999)

Handbuch der Wirtschaftsethik by Wilhelm Korff et al. Eds. (Gütersloh 1999) 4 Vol.

Holding On to Reality by Albert Borgmann (Chicago 1999)

How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature and Informatics. by Katherine N. Hayles (Chicago University Press 1999)

Information and Reality at the Turn of the Millenium by Albert Borgmann (Chicago 1999)

International Business Ethics: Challenges and Approaches by Georges Enderle (Notre Dame, IN 1999)

Jenseits der Schriftkultur. Das Zeitalter des Augenblicks by Mihai Nadin (Dresden1999)

Kommunikations- und Medienethik. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven by Adrian Holderegger, Ed. (Freiburg Schweiz 1999)

Konfigurationen. Zwischen Kunst und Medien by Schade, Sigrid und Georg Christoph Tholen (München 1999)

La tyrannie de la communication by Ignacio Ramonet (Paris 1999)

Massenmedien und Zeitgeschichte by Jürgen Wilke (Ed.) (Konstanz 1999)

Medienethik - die Frage der Verantwortung by Rüdiger Funiok (Ed.) (Bonn 1999)

Megamaschine Wissen. Vision: Überleben im Netz by Florian Rötzer (Frankfurt a.M. 1999)

Philosophy of Culture and the Politics of Electronic Networking, vol.1: Austria and Hungary: Historical Roots and Present Developments by Christoph Nyíri and Peter Fleissner, Eds. (Budapest 1999)

Planet Management by Fernando Elichirigoity (Evanston, Ill. 1999)

Readme! ASCII Culture and the Revenge of Knowledge by Nettime Ed. (New York 1999)

Sphären II: Globen by Peter Sloterdijk (Frankfurt a.M. 1999)

The Control Revolution: How the Internet is Putting Individuals in Charge and Changing the World We Know by A.L. Shapiro (New York 1999)

The Internet Edge, Social, Technical and Legal Challenges for a Networked World by M. Stefik (Cambridge 1999)

The Pearly Gates of Cyberspace: A History of Space from Dante to the Internet by Margaret Wertheim (London 1999)

Weaving the Web by T. Berners-Lee (Orion Business Books 1999)

World Communication and Information Report 1999-2000 by UNESCO (Paris 1999)


Avatars! by Bruce Damer (Berkeley, Calif. 1998)

Aol.com: How Steve Case Beat Bill Gates, Nailed the Netheads, and Made Millions in the War for the Web by Kara Swisher (New York 1998)

Composing Cyberspace: Identity, Community and Knowledge in the Electronic Age by Richard Holeton (Ed.) (Boston 1998)

Cyberdemocracy: Technology, Cities and Civic Networks by Roza Tsagarousianou et al. (New York 1998)

Cyberethik. Verantwortung in der digital vernetzten Welt by Anton Kolb, Reinhold Esterbauer and Hans-Walter Ruckenbauer, Eds. (Stuttgart 1998)

CyberRights: Defending Free Speech in the Digital Age by Mike Godwin (New York 1998)

Cybersociety 2.0: Revisiting Computer-Mediated Communication and Community by Steve Jones (Ed.) (Newbury Park, CA 1998)

Cyberspace Divide: Equality, Agency and Policy in the Information Society by B.D. Loader (Ed.) (London 1998)

Die Architektur der Informationsgesellschaft by Helmut Spinner (Bodenheim 1998)

Digitale Weltentwürfe. Streifzüge durch die Netzkultur by Florian Rötzer (München 1998)

Ethics, Information, and Technology: Readings by Richard N. Stichler and Robert Hauptman (Jefferson, NC 1998)

Get Real: A Philosophical Adventure in Virtual Reality by Philip Zhai (Lanharm, Boulder, New York, Oxford 1998).

In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power by Shoshana Zuboff (New York 1988).

Journalistische Ethik. Ein Vergleich der Diskurse in Frankreich, Großbritannien und Deutschland by B. Thomass (Wiesbaden 1998)

Key Guide to Information Sources in Media Ethics by Barrie MacDonald, Michel Petheram and Michael Petheram (Continuum Publ. Group 1998).

Knowledge Societies: Information Technology and Sustainable Development by R. Mansell and U. When (Eds.) (New York 1998)

Life Online: Researching Real Experience in Virtual Space by Annette Markham (Altamira Press 1998)

Medienethik by Klaus Wiegerling (Stuttgart 1998)

Medien Computer Realität by Sybille Krämer Ed. (Frankfurt a.M. 1998)

Medien und Freiheit. Beiträge zur Medienethik by Wolfgang Wunden (Ed.) (Frankfurt a.M. 1998)

Medien - Welten - Wirklichkeiten by Gianni Vattimo and Wolfgang Welsch Eds. (München 1998)

My Tiny Life: Crime and Passion in a Virtual World by Julian Dibbell (London 1998)

Ökonomie der Aufmerksamkeit. Ein Entwurf by Georg Franck (München 1998)

Plagiarim, Copyright Violation, and Other Thefts of Intellectual Property: An Annotated Bibliography with a Lengthy Introduction by Judy Anderson (Jefferson, NC 1998)

Privacy on the Line: The Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption by Whitfield Diffie and Susan Evan Landau (Cambridge, Mass. 1998)

Sphären I: Blasen by Peter Sloterdijk (Frankfurt a.M. 1998)

TechGnosis: myth, magic and mysticism in the age of information by David Eric (New York 1998)

The Digital Phoenix: How Computers are Changing Philosophy by T.W. Bynum and James H. Moor Eds. (Oxford 1998)

The Information Age - Economy, Society and Culture by Manuel Castells (Oxford 1996-1998) Vol. I: The Rise of the Network Society (1966), Vol. II: The Power of Identity (1997), Vol. III: The End of Millenium (1998)

The quiet struggle: information and libraries for the people of Africa by Paul Sturges and Richard Neill (2nd ed. London and Washington 1998)

The Philosophical Programmer. Reflections on the Moth in the Machine by Daniel Kohanski (New York 1998)

The Transparent Society: Will Technology Force Us to Choose between Privacy and Freedom? by David Brin (New York 1998)


A Reader in information ethics by Simon Rogerson and T.W. Bynum, Eds. (Oxford 1997)

Borders in Cyberspace: Information Policy and the Global Information Infrastructure by B. Kahin and Ch. Nesson Eds. (MIT 1997)

Case Studies in Information and Computer Ethics by R. A. Spinello and R. A. Sinello (Prentice Hall 1997)

Computer and Information Ethics by John Weckert and Douglas Adeney (Greenwood 1997)

Computers, Ethics, and Society by M. David Ermann, Mary, B. Williams, and Michele S. Shauf (New York 1997)

Cyberwars: Espionage on the Internet by Jean Guisnel (Plenum 1997)

Data Smog: Surviving the Information Glut by David Shenk (Harper Edge 1997)

Die Gesellschaft der Gesellschaft by Niklas Luhmann (Frankfurt am Main 1997)

Disclosing New Worlds. Entrepreneurship, Democratic Action, and the Cultivation of Solidarity by Charles Spinosa, Fernando Flores and Hubert L. Dreyfus (MIT 1997)

Docuverse. Zur Medientheorie der Computer by Hartmut Winkler (Regensburg 1997)

Ethics, Information and Technology: Readings by R. N. Stichler, R. Hauptman (McFarland 1997)

Ethics in Technical Communication: Shades of Gray by L. Allen et al.(Wiley 1997)

Ethique de l'information by D. Cornu (Paris 1997)

Hate Speech, Sex Speech, Free Speech by Nicholas Wolfson (Praeger 1997)

HyperKult. Geschichte,Theorie und Kontext digitaler Medien by Wolfgang Coy, Georg Christoph Tholen and Martin Warnke Eds. (Basel 1997)

Information ethics: An introduction by T. W. Bynum (Oxford 1997)

Information Ethics for Librarians by Mark Alfino and Linda Peirce (Jefferson, NC 1997)

In Pursuit of Privacy: Law, Ethics and the Rise of Technology by J. W. Decew (Cornell Univ. Pr. 1997)

Interface Culture: How New Technology Transforms the Way We Create and Communicate by Steven Johnson (San Francisco 1997)

Internet Culture by David Porter (Ed.) (New York 1997)

Law and Disorder in Cyberspace: Abolish the FCC and Let Common Law Rule the Telecosm by Peter Huber (New York 1997)

Management, Information and Power: a narrative of the involved manager by Lucas D. Introna (London 1997)

Morality and Machines: Perspectives on Computer Ethics by Stacey L. Edgar (Sudbury, Mass. 1997)

Mythos Internet by Stefan Münker and Alexander Roesler Eds. (Frankfurt am Main 1997)

Netzkritik. Materialien zur Internet-Debatte by Nettime, Ed. (Berlin 1997)

Persuasion and Privacy in Cyberspace: The Online Protests over Lotus Marketplace and the Clipper Chip by Laura J. Gurak (New Haven 1997)

Privacy in the Information Age by F.H. Cate (Brookings Institute 1997)

Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age by Esther Dyson (New York 1997)

Research Ethics: A Reader by Deni Elliott and Judy E. Stern Eds. (University Press of New England 1997)

Research Misconduct: Issues, Implications, and Strategies by Ellen Altmann and Peter Hernon Eds. (Ablex 1997)

Rights Vs. Responsibilities: The Supreme Court and the Media by E. Blanks Hindman (Greewood Press 1997)

Shifting Realities: Information Technology and the Church by David Lochhead (Geneva 1997)

Survey and Analysis of Legal and Ethical Issues for Library and Information Services by Thomas J. Froehlich (IFLA Publications 78, München 1997)

Technology and Privacy: The New Landscape by Ph. Agre and M. Rotenberg Eds. (MIT 1997)

The New Wealth of Nations: Taxing Cyberspace by Arthur J. Cordell et al. (Toronto 1997)

The Principles of Information Ethics by Richard James Severson (M.E. Sharpe 1997)

The Social Impact of Computers by Richard S. Rosenberg (San Diego 1997)

Volver a los medios. De la crítica a la ética by Raúl Trejo Delarbre (México 1997)

Was ist Kommunikation? by Manfred Faßler (München 1997)

Who Knows: Safeguarding Your Privacy in a Networked World by Ann Cavoukian and Don Tapscott (New York 1997)


Angewandte Ethik. Die Bereichsethiken und ihre theoretische Fundierung. Ein Handbuch. by Julian Nida-Rümelin (Ed.) (Stuttgart 1996)

Computers, Surveillance, and Privacy by David Lyon and Elia Zureik Eds. (Minnesota 1996)

Cryptography's Role in Securing the Information Society by Kenneth W. Dam and Herbert S. Lin (Eds.) (Washington, D.C. 1996)

Cybermonde, la politique du pire by Paul Virilio (Paris 1996)

Cyber.Philosophy. Medientheoretische Auslotungen by Frank Hartmann (Wien 1996)

City of Bits. Space, Place and the Infobahn by William J. Mitchell (Cambridge, Mass. 1996)

Datensicherheit und Datenschutz by Peter Fleissner and Marcel Choc Eds. (Innsbruck 1996)

Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Bit allein by Peter Fleissner, Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Harald Müller, Margit Pohl and Christian Stary (Frankfurt a.M. 1996)

Die Komplexität der Informationsgesellschaft by Gernot Wersig (Konstanz 1996)

Die Realität der Massenmedien by Niklas Luhmann (Opladen 1996)

Escape Velocity by Mark Dery (New York 1996)

Ethics of Computing: Codes, Spaces for Discussion and Law. A handbook prepared by the IFIP Ethics Task Group by J. Berleur and K. Brunnstein Eds. (London 1996)

Ethik der Massenmedien by Jürgen Wilke (Ed.) (Wien 1996)

Grundfragen der Kommunikationsethik by Rüdiger Funiok Ed. (Konstanz 1996)

Giving Offense: Essays on Censorship by J.M. Coetzee (Chicago 1996)

Information, development and social intelligence by Blaise Cronin Ed. (London 1996)

Information Ethics: An Hermeneutical Analysis of an Emerging Area in Applied Ethics by Martha M. Smith (Ph.D. dissertation, University of North Carolina. Available from UMI, Ann Arbor, MI.; UMI order no. 9631983)

Inszenierte Imagination. Beiträge zu einer historischen Anthropologie der Medien by Wolfgang Müller-Funk and Hans Ulrich Reck Eds. (Wien/New York 1996)

Internet Dreams: Archetypes, Myths, and Metaphors by Mark Stefik (Ed.) (Cambridge, Mass. 1996)

Kommunikologie by Vilém Flusser (Mannheim 1996, Bd. 4)

La nueva alfombra mágica. Usos y mitos de Internet, la red de redes by Raúl Trejo Delarbre (Madrid/México 1996)

Mediale Interaktion: Speicher, Individualität, Öffentlichkeit by Manfred Fassler (München 1996)

Professional Ethics in Librarianship: A Real Life Casebook by F. Zipkowitz (Jefferson N.C. 1996)

Selbstversuch. Ein Gespräch mit Carlos Oliveira by Peter Sloterdijk (Frankfurt a.M. 1996)

Sex, Laws, and Cyberspace by Jonathan Wallace and Mark Mangan (New York 1996)

Shamans, Softwaree, and Spleens: Law and the Construction of the Information Society by James Boyle (Cambridge, Mass. 1996)

Social and Ethical Effects of the Computer Revolution by Joseph Migga Kizza Ed. (Jefferson, NC 1996)

Social Information Science by Shifra Baruchson-Arbib (Sussex 1996)

The Political Economy of Communication: Rethinking and Renewal by Vincent Mosco (London 1996)

The responsible software engineer by Myers, Hall and Pitt Eds. (London 1996)

The Wired Neighborhood by Stephen Doheny-Farina (New Haven, Conn. 1996)

Wahrheit als Medienqualität. Beiträge zur Medienethik, Bd. 3 by Wolfgang Wunden Ed. (Frankfurt a. M. 1996)

Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet by K. Hafner and L. Matthew (New York 1996)


Being Digital by Nicholas Negroponte (New York 1995)

Cyberpunks: outlaws and hackers in the computer frontier by K. Haffner and J. Markoff (New York 1995)

Cyberspace Reflections by H.E. van Bolhuis and Vicente Colom (Brussels 1995)

City of Bits: Space, Place, and the Infobahn by William J. Mitchell (Cambridge, Mass. 1995)

Cybersociety: Computer-mediated Communication and Community by Steve G. Jones (Ed.) (Thousand Oaks CA 1995)

Die Realität der Massenmedien by Niklas Luhmann (Opladen 1995)

Die Telepolis. Urbanität im digitalen Zeitalter by Florian Rötzer (Mannheim 1995)

Effective Systems Design and Requirements Analysis: The ETHICS Approach by E. Mumford (Palgrave Macmillan 1995)

Ethical Aspects of Information Technology by Richard A. Spinello (New Jersey 1995)

Ethics of information management by R. O. Mason, F. M. Mason and M. J. Culnan (Thousand Oaks, CA 1995)

Informationsethik by Klaus Wiegerling, Andreas Brellochs and Rafael Capurro, Eds. (Konstanz 1995)

Leben im Informationszeitalter by Rafael Capurro (Berlin 1995)

Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet by Sherry Turkle (New York 1995)

L'intelligence collective by Pierre Lévy (Paris 1995)

Practical computer ethics by Duncan Langford (London 1995)

Research Ethics: Cases and Materials by Robin Levin Penslar Ed. (Indiana 1995)

The Electronic Reublic: Reshaping Democracy in the Information Age by Lawrence K. Grossman (New York 1995)

The Road Ahead by William H. Gates III (New York 1995)

Theories of the Information Society by Frank Webster (Boer 1995)

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