
Author:   Christoph Pingel  
Posted: 18.05.2001; 09:31:56
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ICIE Series / Schriftenreihe des ICIE

Fink Verlag Munich edited by Rafael Capurro and Thomas Hausmanninger.


This is a selection of books on information ethics and related topics. New items are welcome.

Basic Works

Africa Reader on Information Ethics edidted by R. Capurro, J.J. Britz, T.J.D. Bothma, and B.C. Bester, University of Pretoria 2007, first printed edition 2012.

Computer Ethics by Deborah G. Johnson and Keith W. Miller, Upper Saddle River, NJ 2009, 4th ed.

Digital Media Ethics by Charles Ess, Polity Books, UK 2009.

Digital Whoness: Identity, Privacy and Freedom in the Cyberworld by Rafael Capurro, Michael Eldred and Daniel Nagel, Frankfurt 2013.

Ethical Impact of Technological Advancements and Applications in Society edited by Rocci Luppicini, University of Ottawa 2012.

Ethics and Technology: Controversies, Questions, and Strategies in Ethical Computing by Herman T. Tavani, New York 2013 (4th ed.).

Handbuch Medien- und Informationsethik edited by Jessica Heesen (Stuttgart 2016)

Handbook of Ethics, Values, and Technological Design Sources, Theory, Values and Application Domains edited by Jeroen van den Hoven, Pieter Vermaas and Ibo van de Poel (The Netherlands 2017).

Information Technology and Moral Philosophy edited by Jeroen van den Hoven and John Weckert (Cambridge 2008)

Information Technology Ethics: Cultural Perspectives edited by Soraj Hongladarom and Charles Ess, Hershey, Pennsylvania 2007.

Privacy in Context. Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life by Helen Nissenbaum, Stanford: Stanford University Press 2010.

Social Media. A critical introduction by Christian Fuchs, London 2014.

The Cambridge Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics edited by Luciano Floridi, Cambridge 2010.

The Ethics of Information by Luciano Floridi, Oxford 2013.

The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics edited by Kenneth Einar Himma and Herman T. Tavani, New Jersey 2008.

List of Books by Publication Date

2017 - 2000 | 1999 - 1995 | until 1994


ICIL 2016 7th International Conference on Information Law and Ethics. Broadening the Horizons of Information Law and Ethics. A Time of Inclusion edited by Maria Bottis and Eugenia Alexandropoulou, Thessaloniki: The University of Macedonia Press 2017.

Handbook of Ethics, Values, and Technological Design Sources, Theory, Values and Application Domains edited by Jeroen van den Hoven, Pieter Vermaas and Ibo van de Poel, The Netherlands 2017.


300 Keywords Informationsethik by Oliver Bendel, Heidelberg 2016.

Activismo político en tiempos de internet edited by Bernardo Sorj and Sergio Fausto, São Paulo 2016.

An Introduction to Robophilosophy by Spyros G. Tzafestas, Delft 2016.

Die Moral in der Maschine by Oliver Bendel, Munich 2016.

Drohnen. Chancen und Gefahren einer neuen Technik by Kai Biermann and Thomas Wiegold, Bonn 2016.

Ethical IT Innovation: A Value-Based System Design Approach by Sarah Spiekermann, Florida 2016.

Facebook-Gesellschaft by Roberto Simanowski, Berlin 2016.

Handbuch Medien- und Informationsethik by Jessica Heesen (ed.) (Stuttgart 2016)

Healthcare Robots. Ethics, Design and Implementation by Aimee von Wynsberghe, London and New York 2016.

Overcoming Information Poverty by Anthony Mckeown, Amsterdam 2016.

Reading Marx in the Information Age. A Media and Communication Studies Perspective on Capital Volume 1 by Christian Fuchs, London 2016.

Security for the Digital World Within an Ethical Framework - Digital Enlightenment Series Vol 1 edited by Digital Enlightenment Forum 2016.


After Capitalism: Cyborgism. A Contribution to a Critique of Historical Materialism by Fernando Flores Morador, Lund 2015.

Culture and Economy in the Age of Social Media by Christian Fuchs, London 2015.

Data and Goliath by Bruce Schneier, New York 2015.

Ethical IT Innovation. A Value-Based System Design Approach by Sarah Spiekermann, London 2015.

Global Hack by Marc Goodman, Munich 2015

Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik - Annual Review of Law and Ethics edited by Joachim Hruschka and Jan C. Joerden, Berlin 2015.

L’Art de la révolte. Snowden, Assange, Manning by Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, Paris 2015.

Obfuscation. A User's Guide for Privacy and Protest by Finn Brunton and Helen Nissenbaum, The MIT Press 2015.

Roboethics: A Navigating Overview by Spyros Tzafestas, Heidelberg 2015.

Smart Cities in Cyberwar by Florian Rötzer, Frankfurt am Main 2015.

Surveillance in Europe edited by David Wright and Reinhard Kreissl, Oxford 2015.

The Good Life in Asia's Digital 21st Century by the Digial Asia Hub, 2015.

The Onlife Manifesto. Being Human in a Hyperconnected Era ed. by Luciano Floridi, Heidelberg 2015.


Critical Theory and the Digital by David M. Berry, New York 2014.

Critique, Social Media and the Information Society edited by Christian Fuchs and Marisol Sandoval, London 2014.

Curriculum to teach Information Ethics at universities in Africa by Beverley Malan and Coetzee Bester, Pretoria 2014.

Data Love by Roberto Simanowski, Berlin 2014.

Datenflut und Informationskanäle edited by Heike Ortner, Daniel Pfurtscheller, Michaela Rizzolli and Andreas Wiesinger, Innsbruck 2014.

Digital Enlighthenment Yearbook 2014 edited by Kieron O'Hara, M-H. Carolyn Nguyen, Peter Haynes, Amsterdam 2014.

Digital Labour and Karl Marx by Christian Fuchs, London 2014.

Digital Solidarity by Felix Stalder, PML Books 2014.

Etica multicultural y sociedad en red ed. by Luis Germán Rodríguez L. and Miguel Ángel Pérez Álvarez, Madrid 2014.

Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy by Saskia Sassen, Cambridge 2014.

Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung in der digital vernetzten Welt ed. by Peter Bittner, Stefan Hügel, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht and Britta Schinzel, Münster 2014.

Implicações éticas da "virada informacional na filosofia" by João Antonio de Moraes, Minas Gerais 2014.

Information Ethics. Reflection and Practice by David McMenemy, London 2014.

It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens by danah boyd, Yale University Press 2014.

Labor in the Global Digital Economy. The Cytertariat Comes of Age by Ursula Huws, New York 2014.

Le délire occidental: et ses effets actuels dans la vie quotidienne: Travail, loisir, amour by Dany-Robert Dufour, Paris 2014.

Man as Media. The Emancipation of Authorship by Andrey Miroshnichenko, Moscow 2014.

OccupyMedia! The Occupy Movement and Social Media in Crisis Capitalism by Christian Fuchs, London 2014.

Politics and the Internet edited by William H. Dutton, New York 2014.

Post- and Transhumansm. An Introduction edited by Robert Ranisch and Stefan Lorenz Sorgner. Frankfurt am Main 2014.

Privacy, Big Data, and the Public Good: Frameworks for Engagement edited by Julia Lane, Victoria Stodden, Stefan Bender, and Helen Nissenbaum, Cambridge University Press, 2014.

Social Media. A critical introduction by Christian Fuchs. London 2014.

Social Media, Politics and the State. Protests, Revolutions, Riots, Crime and Policing in the Age of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube edited by Daniel Trottier and Christian Fuchs, London 2014.

Society and the Internet: How Networks of Information and Communication are Changing our Lives edited by M. Graham and William H. Dutton, Oxford 2014

The Second Machine Age by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, New York 2014.

The Ethics of Information Warfare ed. by Luciano Floridi and Mariarosaria Taddeo. Heidelberg 2014.

Überwachtes Netz. Edward Snowden und der größte Überwachungsskandal der Geschichte ed. by Markus Neckedahl and Andre Meister. Berlin 2014.

Überwiegend Neuland. Positionsbestimmungen der Wissenschaft zur Gestaltung der Informationsgeseellschaft edited by Dieter Klumpp, Klaus Lenk and Günter Koch, Berlin 2014.

Values at play in digital games by Mary Flanagan and Hellen Nissenbaum, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2014.

Wovon – für wen – wozu? Systemdenken wider die Diktatur der Daten – Wilhelm Steinmüller zum Gedächtnis ed. by Hansjürgen Garstka and Wolfgang Coy, Berlin 2014.


Concepts in Information Ethics. An Introductory workbook edited by Candice le Sueur, Erin Hommes and Coetzee Bester, Pretoria 2013.

Digital Whoness: Identity, Privacy and Freedom in the Cyberworld by Rafael Capurro, Michael Eldred and Daniel Nagel, Frankfurt 2013.

Digitale Rationalität und das Ende des kommunikativen Handelns by Byung-Chul Han, Berlin 2013.

Ego: Das Spiel des Lebens by Frank Schirrmacher (München 2013).

Emerging Pervasive Information and Communication Technologies (PICT): Ethical Challenges, Opportunities and Safeguards by Kenneth D. Pimple (ed.), Berlin 2013.

Ethical and Societal Challenges of the Information Society Background report prepared for the WSIS+10 Review Meeting, Action Line C10 by S. Romi Mukherjee, UNESCO, Paris 2013.

Ethics and Technology: Controversies, Questions, and Strategies in Ethical Computing by Herman T. Tavani, New York 2013 (4th ed.).

Honorary volume for Evi Laskari. Texts and articles from the 5th International Conference on Information Law (ICIL 2012) ed. by Maria Bottis, Athens 2013.

Information Ethics in Africa: Cross-cutting Themes edited by Dennis Ocholla, Johannes Britz, Rafael Capurro and Coetzee Bester, Pretoria 2013.

Present Shock. When Everything Happens Now by Douglas Rushkoff, New York 2013.

Robotopia Nipponica. Recherchen zur Akzeptanz von Robotern in Japan by Cosima Wagner, Marburg 2013.

Robots are People Too by John Frank Weaver, Santa Barbara, California 2013.

The Human Face of Big Data edited by Rick Smolan and Jennifer Erwitt, New York 2013.

The Ethics of Information by Luciano Floridi, Oxford 2013.

The Quest for Information Ethics and Roboethics in East and West ed. by Makoto Nakada and Rafael Capurro, University of Tsukuba (Research Report ISSN 2187-6061), Japan 2013.

The Oxford Handbook of Internet Studies edited by William H. Dutton, Oxford 2013.

To Save Everything: Click here by Evgeny Morozov, Philadelphia, PA, 2013.

Who owns the future? by Jaron Lanier, New York 2013.


Africa Reader on Information Ethics ed. by R. Capurro, J.J. Britz, T.J.D. Bothma, and B.C. Bester, University of Pretoria 2007, first printed edition 2012.

Aportes para el Gobierno Abierto y la entrega de servicios Experiencias canadienses by Ester Kaufman, Buenos Aires 2012.

Die stille Revolution: Wie Algorithmen Wissen, Arbeit, Öffentlichkeit und Politik verändern, ohne dabei viel Lärm zu machen by Mercedes Bunz, Berlin 2012.

Digital Ethics. Research & Practice ed. by Don Heider and Adrienne L. Massanari, New York 2012.

Ethical Impact of Technological Advancements and Applications in Society by Rocci Luppicini (ed.), University of Ottawa 2012.

Ethics of information and communication technologies by Maurizio Salvi (Chief Editor), Brussels 2012.

Foundations of Critical Media and Information Studies by Christian Fuchs, London 2012.

Information Ethics: The Future of the Humanities by Toru Nishigaki and Tadashi Takenouchi (eds.), Nagoya City 2012.

Informationsgerechtigkeit. Theorie und Praxis der Informationsversorgung ed. by André Schüller-Zwierlein and Nicole Zillien, Berlin 2012.

I Know Who You Are and I Saw What You Did: Social Networks and the Death of Privacy by Lori Andrews, New York 2012.

Internet and Surveillance. The Challenges of Web 2.0 and Social Media edited by Christian Fuchs, Kees Boersma, Anders Albrechtslund,and Marisol Sandoval, London 2014.

Internet Privacy by Johannes Buchmann (ed.), Berlin 2012.

Internet and Suveillance. The Challenges of Web 2.0 and Social Media ed. by Christian Fuchs, Kees Boersma, Anders Albrechtslund and Marisol Sandoval, New York 2012.

Kriegsmaschinen - Roboter im Militäreinsatz by Hans-Arthur Marsiske (ed.), Hannover 2012.

Mensch-Roboter-Interaktionen aus interkultureller Perspektive ed. by Japanisch Deutsches Zentrum Berlin, Berlin 2011.

Misbehavior Online in Higher Education by Laura Wankel and Charles Wankel (Eds.), London 2012.

Normative Experience in Internet Politics by Françoise Massit-Folléa, Cécile Méadel and Laurence Monoyer-Smith, Paris 2012.

Per Anhalter durch die Turing-Galaxis ed. by Andrea Knaut, Christian Kühne, Constanze Kurz, Jörg Pohle, Rainer Rehak and Stefan Ulrich. Berlin 2012.

Robo- and Informationethics. Some Fundamentals ed. by Michael Decker and Mathias Gutmann, Berlin 2012.

Robot Ethics. The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics by Patrick Lin, Keith Abney and George A. Bekey (eds.), The MIT Press 2012.

Schöne neue Kommunikationswelt oder Ende der Privatheit? by Petra Grimm and Oliver Zöllner (Eds.), Stuttgart 2012.

Trabalho com Informação by Marcos Dantas, Rio de Janeiro 2012. (pdf)


L'Écran global: Cinéma et culture-média à l'âge hypermoderne by Gilles Lipovetsky et Jean Serroy (Paris 2011).

Foundations of Critical Media and Information Studies by Christian Fuchs, New York 2011.

Regards croisés sur l'internet ed. by Éric Guichard, Lyon 2011.

The Handbook of Global Communication and Media Ethics ed. by Robert S. Fortner and P. Mark Fackler (London 2011)(

The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom by Evgeny Morozov, Philadelphia, PA, 2011.

Trust and Virtual Worlds ed. by Charles Ess and May Thorseth, Peter Lang 2011.


Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age by Joseph Migga Kizza (London 2010, fourth ed.)

Media and New Capitalism in the Digital Age by Eran Fischer, Palgrave 2010.

The Cambridge Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics by Luciano Floridi (Ed.) (Cambridge University Press 2010).

Handbuch Medienethik by Carsten Brosda and Christan Schicha (eds.), Wiesbaden 2010.

Information Technology and the Ethics of Globalisation: Transnational Issues and Implications by Robert A. Schultz, Hershey PA, 2010.

L'Occident mondialisé: Controverse sur la culture planétaire by Gilles Lipovetsky and Hervé Juvin, Paris 2010.

Privacy in Context. Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life by Helen Nissenbaum, Stanford: Stanford University Press 2010.

Technoethics and the Evolving Knowledge Society: Ethical Issues in Technological Design, Research, Development, and Innovation by Rocci Luppicini (Hershey PA, 2010).

The Design Turn in Applied Ethics by J. van den Hoven, S. Miller and T. Pogge (Eds.) (Cambridge 2010).

The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires by Tim Wu, New York 2010).

Your Are Not a Gadget. A Manifesto. by Jaron Lanier (New York 2010).


BruchStücke edited by Peter Fleissner and Natascha Wanek. (Berlin 2009).

Case Studies in Library and Information Science Ethics by Elizabeth A. Buchanan and Kathrine A. Henderson, Jefferson (North Carolina 2009)

Communication Power by Manuel Castells (Oxford University Press 2009)

Computer Ethics by Deborah G. Johnson and Keith W. Miller (Upper Saddle River, NJ 2009, 4th ed.)

Critique de la société de l'information edited by Jean-Paul Lafrance, Paris 2009.

Digital Media Ethics by Charles Ess (Polity Books, UK 2009).

Ethics and Robotics edited by Rafael Capurro and Michael Nagenborg (Heidelberg 2009).

Ethik als Wettbewerbsfaktor. Wirtschaftsethische Potenziale im Unternehmen von Nadine Westphal (Münster 2009).

Gewissensbisse: Ethische Probleme der Informatik. Biometrie - Datenschutz - geistiges Eigentum edited by Debora Weber-Wulff, Christina Class, Wolfgang Coy, Constanze Kurz and David Zellhöfer (Bielefeld 2009).

Handbook of Research on Social and Organizational Liabilities ind Information Security by Manish Gupta (Hershey PA, 2009).

Innovative Automatic Identification and Location-Based Services: From Bar Codes to Chip Implants by Katina Michael and M.G. Michael (Hershey PA, 2009).

Internetökonomie und Ethik edited by Detlef Aufderheide and Martin Dabrowski (Berlin 2009)

Social Semantic Web / Web 2.0 - was nun? edited by Andreas Blumauer and Tassilo Pellegrini (Berlin and Heidelberg 2009).

Techniques and Applications for Advanced Information Privacy and Security: Emerging Organizational, Ethical, and Human Issues by Hamid R. Nemati (Hershey PA, 2009).

The Cultural Logic of Computation by David Golumbia (Cambridge, MA 2009).

The Ethics of Internet Research by James E. Porter and Heidi A. McKee (New York 2009).

The Handbook of Mass Media Ethics ed. by Lee Wilkins and C.G. Christians (New York 2009).


An ethics trajectory: Visions of the Media Past, Present, and Yet to Come ed. by T.W. Cooper, C.G. Christians and A.S. Babbili (Urbana 2008).

Combating Student Plagarism. An academic librarian's guide by Lynn D. Lampert (Oxford 2008).

Computer Ethics: A Case-Based Approach by R. N. Barger (New York 2008).

Cyber Warfare and Cyber Terrorism by Lech J. Janczewski and Andrew M. Colarik (Hershey PA 2008)

Digital Rights Management. A librarian's guide to technology and practice by Grace Agnew (Oxford 2008).

Der infogene Mensch. Entwurf einer Anthropolobie by Manfred Faßler (Munich 2008).

Encyclopedia of Information Ethics and Security edited by Marian Quingley (Hershey, PA 2008).

Enhancing Me: The Hope and the Hype of Human Enhancement by Pete Moore (New Jersey 2008).

Etica del virtuale edited by Adriano Fabris (Milano 2008).

The European Support Centre of the Club of Rome has organized in co-operation with ICIE and the German EU Presidency a symposium "Leben im Cyberspace - Die Bildung von Sozialkapital in virtuellen Welten". The proceedings are available on the website. Printed copies can be ordered via the following address: Dr. Thomas Schauer, Director The Club of Rome - European Support Centre, Tuchlauben 8 - 15, 1010 Vienna, Austria.

Global Information Inequalities. Bridging the information gap by Deborah H. Charbonneau (Oxford 2008).

Including Seniors in the Information Society. 28 World Leading Expert Talks on Privacy, Ethics, Technology and Aging by Emilio Mordini and Stacey Mannari (eds.) (Rome 2008)

Information Technology and Moral Philosophy by Jeroen van den Hoven and John Weckert (Eds.) (Cambridge 2008)

Information Systems: Critical Perspectives by Bernd Stahl (London 2008)

Internet and Society: Social Theory in the Information Age by Christian Fuchs (New York 2008)

Medienethik und Netzkommunikation by Jessica Heesen (Frankfurt am Main 2008).

Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong by W. Wallach and C. Allen (New York 2008).

The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics by Kenneth E. Himma and Herman T. Tavani (Eds.) (New Jersey 2008).

The Making of a Cybertariat. Virtual work in a real world by Ursula Huws (New York 2008).


A Handbook of Ethical Practice. A practical guide to dealing with ethical issues in information and library world by David McMenemy, Alan Poulter and Paul F. Burton (Oxford 2007).

Assessing Societal Implications of Converging Technological Development edited by Gerhard Banse, Armin Grunwald, Imre Hronszky, Gordon Nelson (Berlin 2007).

CEH: Official Certified Ethical Hacker Review Guide: Exam 312-50 by Kimberley Graves (New Jersey 2007)

Computer Ethics: A Global Perspective by Giannis Stamatellos (Sudbury, MA 2007).

Computer Ethics (The International Library of Essays in Public and Professional Ethics) by John Weckert (Ashgate 2007).

Computerspiele und Politik - Zur Konstruktion von Politik und Gesellschaft in Computerspielen edited by Tobias Bevc (Berlin 2007).

Cybersins and Digital Good Deeds: A Book about Technology and Ethics by Mary Ann Bell, Bobby Ezell and James L. Van Roekel (Haworth Pr. 2007).

Dilemmas of Privacy and Surveillance - Challenges of Technological Change published by The Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (download as PDF free of charge)

Encyclopedia of Information Ethics and Security edited by Marian Quigley (IGI Global 2007)

Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design - Theme issue: Space, sociality, and pervasive computing (free of charge)

Ethical Implications of Emerging Technologies (PDF) prepared by Mary Rundle and Chris Conley / Geneva Net Dialogue, Paris: UNESCO 2007.

Ethics, Accountability, and Recordkeeping in a Dangerous World by Richard Cox (New York 2007).

Ethics of Computing: Codes, spaces for discussion and law, IFIP (Internat. Fed. of Inf.Processing) by Jacques Berleur and Klaus Brunstein (Berlin 2007).

Ética y Deontología Informática by Porfirio Barroso Asenjo (Ed. Fragua, Madrid 2007).

Gender Designs IT. Construction and Deconstruction of Information Society Technology. Studien interdisziplinärer Geschlechterforschung ed. by Isabel Zorn, Jutta Weber and Corina Bath, Wiesbaden 2007.

The History of Information Security. A Comprehensive Handbook edited by Karl de Leeuw and Jan Bergstra (Amsterdam etc. 2007)

Hito to kikai no aida (Between Human and Machine) ed. by Michitaka Hirose (Tokyo 2007)

ICTs and Society: The Salzburg Approach. Towards a Theory for, about, and my means of the Information Society by Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Christian Fuchs, Celina Raffl, Matthias Schafranek, Marisol Sandoval and Robert Bichler (Salzburg 2007)

Information Security and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications by Hamid Nemati (Ed.), 6 vol. (Idea Group Publ. 2007).

Information Technology Ethics: Cultural Perspectives by Soraj Hongladarom and Charles Ess (Eds.) (Hershey, Pennsylvania 2007).

Intellectual Property and the Work of Information Professionals by Helen Raduntz (Oxford 2007).

Internet and Society: Social Theory in the Information Age by Christian Fuchs (New York 2007)

El (involuntario) rol social de los cibercafés by Susana Finquelievich and Alejandro Prince. (Book as PDF)

Librarianship and Human Rights: A 21st Century Guide by Toni Samek (Oxford 2007) - Please, consult www.trea.es for the Spanish translation of the book. Search for the author’s name and click "ver ficha".

Pandora's Box. Social and Professional Issues of the Information Age by Andrew A. Adams and Rachel McCrindle (New Jersey 2007).

Risks, Controls, and Security: Concepts and Applications by Vasant Raval and Ashok Fichadia (New Jersey 2007)

Social Responsibility and the Role of the Public Library by James Henri and Sandra Lee (Oxford 2007)

The History of Information Security. A Comprehensive Handbook edited by Karl de Leeuw and Jan Bergstra (Amsterdam 2007)

The information society: innovation, legitimacy, ethics and democracy edited by Philippe Goujon, Sylvain Lavelle, Penny Duquenoy, Kai Kimpa and Veronique Laurent (Springer 2007)


An Ethical Practice Handbook: A Practical Guide to Dealing With Ethical Issues in Information and Library Work by David McMenemy and Paul F. Burton (Oxford 2006)

A Report on the Surveillance Society for the Information Commissioner by the Surveillance Studies Network (2006).

Burning Books and Leveling Libraries: Extremist Violence and Cultural Destruction by Rebecca Knuth (Westport, CT)

Clash of Realities - Computerspiele und soziale Wirklichkeit - Edited by Winfred Kaminski and Martin Lorber (Munich 2006).

Code: Version 2.0 by Lawrence Lessig (New York 2006).

Computer Network Security and Cyber Ethics by Joseph Migga Kizza (McFarland 2006, 2nd. Ed.).

Contemporary issues in ethics and information technology by Robert A. Schultz (Hershey, PA 2006)

Ethical Decision Making for Digital Libraries by Cokie G. Anderson (Oxford 2006)

Ethics, Accountability and recordkeeping in a dangerous world by R.J. Cox (London 2006).

Ethics, Computing, and Genomics by Herman T. Tavani (Boston 2006)

Etica della comunicazione by Adriano Fabris (Roma 2006)

Human Rights in the Global Information Society by Rikke Frank Jørgensen (Ed.) (The MIT Press 2006)

ICT and Privacy in Europe - Experiences from technology assessment of ICT and Privacy in seven different European countries, EPTA (European Parliamentary Technology Assissment) Report (pdf) (October 16 2006).

Information Communication Technologies and Human Development: Opportunities and Challenges by Mila Gasco-Hernandez, Fran Equiza-Lopez, Manuel Acevedo-Ruiz (Catalonia 2006).

IEEE Computer Society Real-World Software Engineering Problems: A Self-Study Guide for Today's Software Professional by J. Fernando Naveda and Stephen B. Seidman (New Jersey 2006).

Information Ethics and the Law by M. F. Ackermann and Hannes Britz (Van Schaik 2006)

Information is an alienated expense by Jaron Lanier (New York 2006).

Islamisches Bilderverbot vom Mittel- bis ins Digitalzeitalter by Almir Ibric (Wien 2006)

IT Security and Risk Management by Jill Slay and Andy Koronios (New Jersey 2006).

Kritische Medien-Wahrnehmung: Grundlegung einer praktischen Medien-Ethik by Philip Scherenberg (Münster 2006).

Librarianship and Human Rights: A 21st Century Guide by Toni Samek (Oxford 2006).

Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages by Saskia Sassen (Princeton 2006).

The Governance of Privacy. Policy Instruments in Global Perspective - by Colin Bennett and Charles Raab. (London 2006)

The Digital Person: Technology and Privacy in the Information Age by Daniel J. Solove (New York 2006)

The Power of Knowledge: Ethical, legal and technological aspects of data mining and group profiling in epidemiology by B. Custer (Nijmegen 2006).

Who Controls the Internet? Illusions of a Borderless World. by Jack L. Goldsmith and Tim Wu (New York 2006).

Zuviel Wissen? Zur Wertschätzung von Arbeit und Wissen in der Moderne by Manfred Füllsack (Berlin 2006).


Computer-Based Testing and the Internet: Issues and Advances by David Bartram and Ron Hambleton (Eds.) (New Jersey 2005)

Contemporary Issues in Ethics and Information Technology by Robert A. Schultz (Portland, OR 2005)

Das Private unter den Rahmenbedingungen der IuK-Technologie. Ein Beitrag zur Informationsethik by Michael Nagenborg (Wiesbaden 2005)

Das Recht auf Informationszugang by Karsten Weber (Berlin 2005)

Die Google-Gesellschaft. Vom digitalen Wandel des Wissens by Kai Lehmann and Michael Schetsche (Eds.) (Berlin 2005)

Ethics Across Cultures with PowerWeb Ethics by Michael C. Brannigan (New York 2005)

Ethics, Computing, and Genomics: Moral Controversies in Computational Genomics by Herman T. Tavani (Ed.) (Sudbury, MA 2005)

Ehics for the Information Age by Michael J. Quinn (2nd. Ed.)(Addison-Wesley 2005)

Ethics of New Information Technology. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry (CEPE2005) Philip Brey, Frances Grodzinsky, Lucas Introna (Eds.) (Enschede 2005)

Ethik der Informationsgesellschaft by Martin Woesler (Ed.). (Bochum 2005)

Gender, Ethics and Information Technology by A. Adam (Houndmills, Basingstok 2005)

Information Ethics: Privacy, Property, and Power by Adam Moore (Ed.) (University of Washington Press 2005)

Information Ethics: Privacy and Intellectual Property by Lee Freeman and A. Graham Peace (Eds.) (London 2005)

Informationsgesellschaft. Geschichten und Wirklichkeit. Société de l'information. Récits et réalité by Gérald Berthoud, Albert Kündig and Beat Sitter-Liver (Eds.) (Fribourg 2005)

Intellectual Property Rights in a Networked World: Theory and Practice by Herman T. Tavani and Richard Spinello (Hershey, PA 2005)

Les machines apprivoisées. Comprendre les robots de loisir by Frédéric Kaplan (Paris 2005)

Passions in Economy, Politics, and the Media: In Discussion with Christian Theology by Wolfgang Palaver and Petra Steinmair-Poesel (Eds.) (Münster 2005)

Perspectives and Policies on ICT and Society: An IFIP Tc9 (Computers and Society) Handbook by Jacques Berleur and Chrisanthi Avgerou (Berlin 2005).

Robotto wa ningen ni nareruka (Can a Robot become a Human being?) by Tadashi Nagata (Tokyo 2005).

The Impact of the Internet on Our Moral Lives by Robert J. Cavalier (Ed.) (Albany 2005)

Technology in a Multicultural and Global Society by May Thorseth and Charles Ess (Eds.) (Trondheim 2005)


A Hacker Manifesto by McKenzie Wark (Cambridge, MA, and London, England 2004)

Community in the Digital Age: Philosophy and Practice by Andrew Feenberg and Darin Barney (Eds.) (Lanham 2004)

Computer Ethics and Professional Responsibility: Introductory Text and Readings by Terrell Ward Bynum and Simon Rogerson (Oxford 2004)

Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication by Fay Sudweeks and Charles Ess (Eds.) (Murdoch University, Australia 2004)

CybeMedienWirklichkeit. Virtuelle Welterschließungen by Goedart Palm (Hannover 2004)

Cyberstalking: Harassment in the Internet age and how to protect your family by P. Bocij (Westpport, CT).

Deflating Information. From Science Studies to Documentation by Bernd Frohmann (University of Toronto Press 2004)

Democracy and New Media by Henry Jenkins and David Thorburg (Eds.) (Cambridge, MA 2004)

Ethics and the Internet in West Africa. Toward an Ethical Model of Integration by Patrick Brunet, Oumarou Tiemtoré, and Marie-Claude Vettraino-Soulard (Africa World Press/IDRC 2004)

Ethics and Technology: Ethical Issues in an Age of Information and Communication Technology by Herman T. Tavani (Hoboken, NJ 2004)

Ethique et Communication by Denis Benoit (Ed.) (Paris 2004)

Etica della comunicazione interculturale by Adriano Fabris (Lugano 2004)

Globalization, Technology and Philosophy by David Tabachnick and Toivo Koivukosky (Eds.) (SUNY 2004)

Information Ethics in the Electronic Age. Current Issues in Africa and the World by Tom Mendina and Johannes J. Britz (Eds.) (Jefferson NC 2004)

Information Ethics: Privacy and Intellectual Property by Graham Peace (Inf. Science Publ. 2004).

Information Security and Ethics: Social and Organizational Issues by Marian Quigley (Hershey, PA 2004)

Informationsethik by Rainer Kuhlen (Konstanz 2004)

Internet als politische Kommunikationsplattform in Palästina. Hamburger Beiträge: Medien und politische Kommunikation. Naher Osten und islamische Welt, Bd. 8 by Peter Schäfer (Hamburg 2004)

Media Ethics and Social Change: Theory and Practice by Valeria Alia (Edinburgh 2004).

Modernity and Technology by Thomas J. Misa, Philip Brey, and Andrew Feenberg (Eds.) (Cambridge, MA 2004)

Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire by M. Hardt and A. Negri (New York 2004)

Network Cultures by T. Terranova (London 2004)

Readings in Cyberethics by Herman Tavani and Richard A. Spinello (Sudbury, MA 2004) (Second Ed.)

Readings in Virtual Research Ethics: Issues and Controversies by Elizabeth A. Buchanan (Ed.) (Hershey, PA 2004)

Responsible Management of Information Systems by Bernd Stahl (Hershey, PA 2004)

Social, Ethical and Policy Implications of Information Technology by Linda L. Brennan and Victoria Johnson (Hershey, PA 2004)

The Internet and our Moral Lives by Robert Cavalier (Ed.) (Albany 2004)

Vernetzt gespalten. Der Digital Divide in ethischer Perspektive by Rupert M. Scheule, Rafael Capurro, Thomas Hausmanninger (Eds.), Schriftenreihe des ICIE, Band 3(Munich 2004)

Vernetztes Wissen. Philosophie im Zeitalter des Internets by Kristóf Nyíri (Vienna 2004)


A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues in Computing by Sara Baase (2nd. Edition, Prentice Hall 2003)

Applied Ethics in Internet Research by May Thorseth (Ed.)(Trondheim 2003)

Black Ice: The Invisible Threat of Cyber-Terrorism by D.Verton (New York 2003).

Case Studies in Information Technology Ethics and Policy by Richard A. Spinello (2nd. edn. Upper Saddle River, NJ 2003)

CyberEthics: Morality and Law in Cyberspace by Richard A. Spinello (2nd edn. Sudbury, MA 2003)

Cyborg by Kevin Warwick (Champaign, IL 2004).

Computer Ethics and Professional Responsibility by Terell Ward Bynum and Simon Rogerson(Eds.) (Oxford 2003)

Computers in Society by Kathryn Schellenberg (Ed.) (9th edn., Dushkin/McGraw Hill 2003)

Computer und Ethik statt Computerethik by Antonia Kastendiek (Münster 2003)

Computing Information Technology: The Human Side by Steven Gordon (Hershey, PA 2003)

Connected, or what it means to live in a networked society by Steven Shaviro (Minneapolis 2003)

Core Concepts of Information Technology Auditing by James E. Hunton, Stephanie M. Bryant and Nancy A. Bagranoff (New Jersey 2003).

Current Security Management & Ethical Issues of Information Technology by Rasool Azari (Hershey, PA 2003)

Dark Fiber: Tricking Critical Internet Culture by Geert Lovink (MIT Press 2003)

Digital Soul: Intelligent Machines and Human Values by Thomas M. Georges (Boulder, CO 2003)

Dismantling the Public Sphere: Situating and Sustaining Librarianship in the Age of the New Public Philosophy by John E. Buschman (Connecticut 2003)

Ethics and Electronic Information: A Festschrift for Stephen Almagno ed. by Barbara Rockenbach and Tom Mendina (Jefferson, NC 2003)

Ethics in Information Technology by George W. Reynolds (Thomson Learning 2003).

Ethics of Information Technology and Business by Richard T. De George (Blackwell 2003)

Ethik im Netz by Rafael Capurro (Stuttgart 2003)

Gleichheit & Vielfalt im Informationszeitalter by Thomas Schauer and Franz Josef Radermacher (Ulm 2003)

Handeln im Netz. Bereichsethiken und Jugendschutz im Internet by Thomas Hausmanninger (Ed.) (Munich 2003)

Hold Paramaount: The Engineer's Responsibility to Society by Alastair S. Gunn and P. Aaarne Vesiland (Brooks/Cole-Thompson Learning 2003)

Image Ethics in the Digital Age by Larry P. Gross, John Stuart Katz and Jay Ruby (Eds.) (University of Minnesota Press, 2003)

Kommunikations- und Medienethik. Grundlagen - Ansätze - Anwendungen by Bernhard Debatin, Rüdiger Funiok (Eds.) (Konstanz 2003)

Medienethik. Ein Arbeitsbuch by Andreas Greis, Gerfried W. Hunold and Klaus Koziol (Eds.) (Tübingen/Basel 2003)

My First Recession. Critical Internet Culture in Transition by Geert Lovink (Amsterdam 2003)

New Perspectives on the Public Private Divide by Nathalie Desrosiers (Ed.) (Vancouver 2003)

Online Social Research: Methods, Issues, and Ethics by Mark D. Johns, Shing-Ling Sarina Chen and G. Jon Hall (Eds.) (New York 2003)

Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do by B.J. Frogg (San Francisco 2003)

Readings in Virtual Research Ethics: Issues and Controversies by Elizabeth Buchanan (Ed.) (Hershey PA 2003)

Redesigning Human Systems by Enid Mumford (Hershey, PA 2003)

Social Consequences of Internet Use: Access, Involvement, and Interaction by James E. Katz and Ronald E. Rice (Cambridge, MA 2003)

Socio-Technical and Human Cognition. Elements of Information Systems by Steve Clarke, Elayne Coakes, Gordon Hunter, and Andrew Wenn (Eds.) (Hershey, PA 2003)

Technology and Social Inclusion: Rethinking the Digital Divide by Mark Warschauer (Cambridge, MA 2003)

The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Computing and Information by Luciano Floridi (Ed.) (Blackwell 2003)

It's Alive: The Coming Convergence of Information, Biology, and Business by Chr. Meyer and Stan Davis (Texere Publishing 2003)

The Ethics of Information Technology and Business by Richard R. DeGeorge (Blackwell 2003)

The Expediency of Culture by G. Yudice (Durham and London 2003)

The Impact of the Internet on Our Moral Lives by Robert Cavalier (Ed.) (SUNY 2003)

The New Media Reader by Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Nick Montfort (Cambridge, MA 2003)

The Sustainable Information Society. Vision and Risks by Thomas Schauer (Ulm 2003)

Turbulente Körper und soziale Maschinen. Feministische Studien zur Technowissenschaftskultur ed. by Jutta Weber and Corinna Bath, Opladen 2003.

Virtual Morality: Morals, Ethics and New Media by Mark J. P. Wolf (Ed.) (Peter Lang, 2003)

Vom E-Business zur E-Society. New Economy im Wandel by Lothar Beyer, Detlev Frick, Andreas Gadatsch, Irene Maucher, Hansjürgen Paul (Eds.)(Braunschweig 2003)


A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computers and the Internet by Sara Baase (Prentice Hall 2002)

Allzeit zuhanden. Gemeinschaft und Erkenntnis im Mobilzeitalter by Kristóf Nyíri (Ed.) (Vienna 2002)

Bridging the Digital Divide: Technology, Community, and Public Policy by L. Servon (Malden, MA 2002)

Case Studies in Information Technology Ethics and Policy by Richard A. Spinello (Prentice Hall 2002)

Communication Policy and Information Technology: Promises, Problems, Prospect by Lorrie Faith Cranor and Shane Greenstein (Eds.) (Cambridge, MA 2002)

Computer and Information Ethics by Marsha Cook Woodbury (Champaign, IL 2002)

Computer Ethics and Professional Responsibility by Terrell Ward Bynum, and Simon Rogerson (Oxford 2002)

Cyberethik. Ethische Problemstellungen des Internets und Regulierungsansätze aus Sicht der Online-Nutzer by Johanna Schwenk (Munich 2002)

Cyberphilosophy: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing by Terrell Ward Bynum and James H. Moor (Eds.) (Malden MA, 2002)(Special issue of "Metaphilosophy 33:1/2, 2002)

Dark Ages II: When the Digital Data Die by Bryn Bergeron (Prentice Hall 2002)

Dark Fiber. Tracking Critical Internet Culture by Geert Lovink (The M.I.T. Press 2002)

Dystopia. Studien zur Krisis des Wissens in der modernen Gesellschaft by Helmut Willke (Frankfurt a.M. 2002)

Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age by Joseph Kizza (London 2002)

Ethical Issues of Information Systems by Ali Salehnia (Hershey PA 2002)

Ethics and Electronic Information: A Festschrift for Stephen Almagno by Barbara Rockenbach and Tom Mendina (Eds.) (Jefferson NC 2002)

Ethics and Information Technology. A Case-Based Approach to a Health Care System in Transition by J.G. Anderson and K. Goodman (Springer-Verlag Telos 2002)

Ethics and Values in the Information Age by Joel Rudinow and Anthony Graybosch (Wadsworth 2002)

Ethics in Information Technology by George Reynolds (Course Technology 2002)

Information Technology: An Extra-Connected Community? by David Pullinger and D.J. Pullinger (Pilgrim Press 2002)

Internet für Alle - Chance oder Zumutung? Studie des Forschungsinstituts für anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung an der Universität Ulm (FAW) by Thomas Schauer (Ulm 2002)

Kaufen, Tauschen, Teilen. Musik im Internet by Sonja Haug and Karsten Weber(Frankfurt am Main 2002)

Managing the Human Side of Information Technology: Challenges and Solutions by Edward J. Szewczak and Coral Snodgrass (Hershey, PA 2002)

Managing Web Usage in the Workplace: A Social, Ethical and Legal Perspective by Murugan Anandarajan and Claire Simmers (Hershey, PA 2002)

Media ethics: a philosophical approach by Matthew Kiernan (London 2002)

Media ethics: issues and cases by Philip Patterson and Lee Wilkins (Boston 2002) 4th ed.

Mediale Gewalt by Thomas Hausmanninger and Thomas Borhman (Eds.) (München 2002)

Medien und Ethik by Matthias Karmasin (Ed.) (Stuttgart 2002)

Minding the Machines: Preventing Technological Disasters by William M. Evan and Mark Manion (Prentice Hall 2002)

Netocracy by Alexander Bard and Jan Soderqvist (Prentice Hall 2002)

Netzethik. Grundlegungsfragen der Internetethik by Thomas Hausmanninger and Rafael Capurro (Eds.). Schriftenreihe des ICIE, Bd. 1 (München: Fink Verlag 2002)

Regulating Cyberspace: The Policies and Technologies of Control by Richard A. Spinello (Westport, Conn. 2002)

Risk Communication: A Mental Model Approach by M. Granger Morgan, Barcuh Fischhoff, Ann Bostrom, and Cynthia J. Atman (Cambridge, UK 2002)

Ruling the Root: Internet Governance and the Taming of Cyberspace by Milton L. Mueller (Cambridge, MA 2002)

Social Responsibility in the Information Age: Issues and Controversies by Gurpreet Dhillon (Hershey, PA 2002)

Stufen zur Informationsgesellschaft. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski by Christiane Floyd, Christian Fuchs and Wolfgang Hofkirchnet (Eds.) (Frankfurt a. M. 2002)

The Ethics of Information Technology and Business by Richard T. De George (New Jersey 2002).

The Ethics of Librarianship: An International Survey by Robert W. Vaagan (Munich 2002)

The Internet and Everyday Life by Barry Wellman and Caroline Haythornethwaite (Oxford 2002)

The Labyrinths of Information: Challenging the Wisdom of Systems by Claudio Ciborra (Oxford 2002)

The Rise of the Creative Class by R. Florida (New York 2002)

The Social Life of Information by John Seely Brown and Paul Dugurd (Boston, MA 2002)

The Support Economy: Why Corporations are Failing Individuals and the Next Episode of Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff and Maxmin James (New York 2002).

The Webblog Handbook: Practical Advice on Creating and Maintaining Your Blog. By Rebecca Blood (Perseus Books Group 2002) - including a chapter on Weblog Ethics.

Uncanny Networks, In Dialogue with the Virtual Intelligentsia by Geert Lovink (MIT Press, 2002)

Virtual Society? Get Real! The Social Science of Electronic Technologies by Steve Woolgar (Ed.) (Oxford 2002)

Virtual Society? Technology, Cyberbole, Reality by Steve Woolgar (Ed.) (Oxford 2002)

Virtue Behind the Mouse: Ethical Issues in Cyberspace by Lun Li (Nanchang, China 2002)

Wissensarten, Wissensordnung, Wissensregime. Beiträge zum Karlsruher Ansatz der integrierten Wissensforschung by Karsten Weber, Michael Nagenborg and Helmut F. Spinner (Eds.) (Opladen 2002)

Xin Xi Lun Li Xue (Information Ethics) by Lü Yao-huai (Changsha City, China 2002)


An Ethical Career in Science and Technology by Scientists for Global Responsibility (Ed.) (London 2001)

Bausteine zu einer neuen Informationsethik by Helmut F. Spinner, Michael Nagenborg, and Karsten Weber (Berlin, Wien 2001)

Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry (CEPE 2001): IT and the Body, Ruth F. Chadwick, Lucas Introna, Antonio Marturano (Eds.) (Lancaster, UK 2001)

Continental Order?: Integrating North America for Cyber-Capitalism by Dan Schiller (Ed.)(New York 2001)

Cooperation South by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)(New York 2001)

Culture, Technology, Communication: Towards an Intercultural Global Village by Charles Ess and Fay Sudweeks (Eds.) (New York 2001)

Crypto. How the code rebels beat the government - saving privacy in the digital age by S. Levy (New York 2001)

Cyberpl@y: Communicating Online by Brenda Danet (Oxford 2001)

Die Medien und die Ethik. Grundzüge einer brauchbaren Medienethik by Felix Weil (München 2001)

Digital Futures: Living in a Dot-Com World by J. Wilsdon (Ed.) (London 2001)

Earth Summit 2002: A New Deal by F. Dodds (Ed.) (London 2001)

Einführung in die Medienethik by Rainer Leschke (München 2001)

Ethical Challenges in the Management of Health Information by Laurinda B. Harman (Aspen Publ. 2001).

Ethics and Computing by Kevin Bowyer (Wiley 2001)

Ethics and Values in the Information Age by Anthony Grybosch (Wadsworth Inc. 2001).

Ethics and Information Technology by James G. Anderson and Kenneth W. Goodman (New York 2001)

Ethics and the Internet by A. Vedder, Ed. (Schoten 2001)

Ethik und Internet: Medienethische Aspekte multimedialer Teilhabe by Philippe Patra (Münster 2001)

Global Civil Society by H. Anheier, M. Glasius and M. Kaldor (Eds.) (Oxford Univ. Press 2001)

Human Development Report 2001: Making New Technologies Work for Human Development by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (New York 2001)

Identität, Authentizität und Verantwortung. Die ethischen Herausforderungen der Kommunikation im Internet by Andreas Greis (München, 2001)

Intellectual Property and Information Control: Philosophical Foundations and Contemporary Issues by Adam D. Moore (New Brunswick, NJ 2001)

Internet Telephony by Lee W. McKnight, William Lehr, and David D. Clark (Ed.) (Cambridge, MA 2001)

Intellectual Freedomand Social Responsibility in American Librarianship by Toni Samek (Jefferson, NC 2001)

Kommunikationskulturen zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel by Ursula Maier-Rabler and Michael Latzer (Eds.) (Konstanz 2001)

Making a World of Difference - IT in a Global Context by G. Walsham (Chichester 2001).

Medien der Vernunft. Eine Theorie des Geistes und der Rationalität auf Grundlage einer Theorie der Medien by Matthias Vogel (Frankfurt a.M. 2001)

Medien - Wahrnehmung - Ethik. Eine annotierte Bibliographie by Gerfried W. Hunold (Tübingen 2001)

Medien und Ethik. Zur Organisation medienethischer Entscheidungsprozesse by Larissa Krainer (München 2001)

Morality and Machines, Second Edition: Perspectives on Computer Ehics by Stacey L. Edgar (Jones & Bartlett 2002)

On the Internet by Hubert Dreyfus (London, 2001)

Online Communities: Networks that Nurture Long-distance Relationships and Local Ties by John B. Horrigan (Washington, D.C. 2001)

Pragmatische Medienphilosophie by Mike Sandbothe (Weilerswist, 2001)

Readings in CyberEthics by Richard A. Spinello and Herman T. Tavani Eds. (Sudbury, Mass. 2001)

Robo Sapiens: Evolution of a New Species by Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio (Cambridge, MA 2001)

Social Movements on the Net by O. León, S. Burch, E. Tamayo (Quito 2001)

The Ethics of Cyberspace by Cees J. Hamelink (London 2001)

The global city by Saskia Sassen, Princeton 2001 (updated 2d ed., original 1991).

The Internet: A Framework for Undersanding Ethical Issues (PhD Thesis, Middlesex University, UK) by P. Duquenoy (UK 2001)

The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business and Society by Manuel Castells (Oxford 2001)

The Language of New Media by L. Manovich (MIT 2001)

The Future of Ideas by L. Lessig (New York 2001)

The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age by Pekka Himanen (New York 2001)


Angewandte Ethik als Politikum by Matthias Kettner (Ed.) (Frankfurt a.M. 2000)

Code and other Laws of Cyberspace by L. Lessig (New York 2000)

Computer Ethics by Deborah G. Johnson (Upper Saddle River, NJ 2000, 3rd Ed.)

Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry (CEPE 2000 Proceedings) D.G. Johnson, J.H. Moor, H.T. Tavani (Eds.) (Dartmouth College 2000)

Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress by L.E. Harrison and S.P. Huntington (Eds.) (New York 2000)

CyberEthics: Morality and Law in Cyberspace by Richard A. Spinello (Sudbury, Mass. 2000)

Cyberethics. Social & Moral Issues in the Computer Age by Robert M. Baird, Reagan Ramsoweer and Stuart E. Rosenbaum (Eds.) (Amherst, NY 2000)

Database Nation; the Death of Privacy in the 21st Century by Simon Garfinkel (Sebastopol, CA 2000)

Ethics and Computing: Living Responsibility in a Computerized World, 2nd Ed. by Kevin W. Bowyer (Ed.) (New Jersey 2000).

Ethics of Electronic Information. Papers presented at EEI21 - Memphis, The Ethics of Electronic Information in the 21st Century Symposium. In: International Information & Library Review (2000), 32, by Toni Carbo (Ed.) and Tom Mendina (Chairman, EEI21-MEMPHIS)(London 2000)

Free Speech, "The People's Darling Privilege": Struggles for Freedom of Expression in American History by Michael Kent Curtis (Durham, NC, and London 2000)

Information Society Studies by A.S. Duff (London 2000)

Internet Ethics by Duncan Langford (Ed.) (New York 2000)

Kursbuch Medienkultur. Die maßgeblichen Theorien von Brecht bis Baudrillard by Claus Pias et al. (Eds.) (Stuttgart 2000) 3d.Ed.

Le culte de l'Internet, une menace pour le lien social? by Philippe Breton (Paris 2000)

Media Ethics. Opening Social Dialogue by Bart Pattyn (Ed.) (Belgium 2000)

Medienethik und Medienwirkungsforschung by Matthias Rath (Wiesbaden 2000)

Medienethik zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Normen für die Kommunikationsgesellschaft by Christian Schicha and Carsten Brosda (Eds.) (Münster 2000)

Medienphilosophie by Frank Hartmann (Wien 2000)

Our Enduring Values: Librarianship in the 21st Century by Michael Gorman (American Library Association 2000)

Robotto ni kakeru yume (The Dream about Robots) by Suguro Arimoto (Tokyo 2000).

Social Dimensions of Information Technology: Issues for the New Millenium by G.D. Garson (Hershey 2000)

The Ethics of Cyberspace by Cees J. Hamelink (London, 2000)

The Internet and Society by J. Slevin (Malden 2000)

The Language of New Media by Lev Manovich (Cambridge, Mass. 2000)

The Social Life of Information by John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid (Harvard 2000)

Unter Verdacht. Eine Phänomenologie der Medien by Boris Groys (München 2000)

Walking on The Other Side of The Information Highway: Communication, Culture and Development in the 21st Century by J. Servaes (Ed.) (Penang 2000)

This is a Manila site.