
[work] Jeremy Bentham [e]

Jeremy Bentham
The Penitentiary Panopticon or Inspection House, 1787/1791
4 drawings by Willey Reveley, architect, after Samuel Bentham's design
Commissioned by Jeremy Bentham for the Panopticon, or House of Inspection.
Inscribed with measurements and notes in pencil, notes in ink on verso in Bentham's hand
Pencil, pen and ink and watercolour
115/44: 41 x 51 cm
115/43: 43,2 x 60 cm
119a/119: 20 x 16 cm
119a/120: 40,5 x 33 cm
University College London Library, Bentham Papers

The Penitentiary Panopticon or Inspection House, 1791
© University College London Library, Bentham Papers 119a/120