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[bio] Pat Naldi & Wendy Kirkup


Author:   Christoph Pingel  
Posted: 05.10.2001; 18:54:59
Topic: [bio] Pat Naldi & Wendy Kirkup
Msg #: 80 (top msg in thread)
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Reads: 56901

Wendy Kirkup and Pat Naldi

*1961, Hongkong [RC]; *1964, Gibraltar [GBZ]; Beide leben und arbeiten in Newcastle-upon-Tyne [GB]. Wendy Kirkup war im Rahmen eines Gastkünstleraufenthalts an der Experimental Art Foundation und assoziierte Senior Dozentin für Bildende Künste an der University of Northumbria in Newcastle. 1997 arbeitete sie zusammen mit Pat Naldi als Gäste im Institut für Performance für Fine Art & Design an der University of Western Sydney. 1998/99 war Kirkup als Forschungsstipendiatin am Institut für Geographie und Topografische Wissenschaften an der Universität von Glasgow tätig.

Gruppenausstellungen & Screenings | Bibliographie | Linkempfehlungen


Gruppenausstellungen & Screenings

»White Hysteria«, Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia, Cleveland [USA]
Gallery London, Stripp Gallery Melbourne, The Arts Centre of Christchurch New Zealand [NZ]
»Search«, The Showroom London, Leeds Metropolitan Gallery [GB]
»Soundscapes«, ISDN linked performance event between Wards Building Basement, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Isis Gallery [GB]
»Cumbria«, made for year Of the Visual Arts in the Northern Region, in conjunction with »Digital Dreams 4: Across Two Cultures« Telstra Adelaide International Festival Residency, based at the Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide [AUS]
»Search« (Adelaide), Telstra Adelaide International Festival & The Experimental Art Foundation. [AUS]
»Cross-winds«, The Experimental Art Foundation. Gallery Installation & FM Radio Broadcast
»Search«, The Tyneside Cinema, Newcastle-upon-Tyne [GB]

»shift«, Puente de Pasaje, Bilbao [E]

Nomad Networks Media Arts Residency, The Banff Center [CDN]
»Search«, Arteleku, San Sebastian, Broadcast by MCT Access Station
Grey Suit Magazine, Someone To Watch Over Us, Converse Gallery Glasgow [GB]

1993 »Intervening Spaces«, Myles Meehan Gallery, Darlington [GB]

»0836 785555«, 15 Framlington Place, Newcastle-upon-Tyne [GB]
»A Question of Identity«, The Close, Newcastle-upon-Tyne [GB]



Echo, Locus+, 2001; Postmodern Geography, Claudio Minca (ed.), Blackwell Publishers, 2001; Responding to Rome, Jacopo Benci (ed.), The British Academy, 2001; Sue Brind, Individuals in Foreign Lands: researching into someone elses research, in Addressing the Boundaries, Point Art and Design Research Journal, 10, Autumn/Winter 2000; Curious, Artists’ research within expert culture, Visual Art Projects, Glasgow 1999; Locus Solus. Site, Identity, Technology in Contemporary Art, Black Dog, 1999; Visual Arts Catalogue, Telstra Adelaide International Festival ‘96, Australia 1996; SEARCH (Adelaide) & Cross-Winds, Experimental Art Foundation Publication, Adelaide 1996; The Advertiser, interview by Louise Nunn, in Adelaide Australia, February 1996; Artists’ Videotapes 1975-95 A Selection, MMU publication, 1995; Sarah Kent, B.c.c., in Time Out, February 12, 1994; The Independent Film & Video Monthly, Profile and interview by Laura U. Marks, August/September 1994; Simon Herbert, Performance Art in the ‘90s, in Art & Design, Autumn 1994; Time & Tide, Art & Design Publication, 1993; Intervening Spaces, Myles Meehan Gallery, 1991; Nick Stewart, Ward, in Performance Magazine, 62, 1990.



-> Performance »Search«, Newcastle-on-Tyne [1993]




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