
[bio] Jamie Wagg [e]

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inactiveTopic [bio] Jamie Wagg [e] topic started 05.10.2001; 18:58:41
last post 05.10.2001; 18:58:41
user Christoph Pingel - [bio] Jamie Wagg [e]  blueArrow
05.10.2001; 18:58:41 (reads: 63429, responses: 0)
Jamie Wagg

*1958, King's Lynn, Norfolk [GB]; Jamie Wagg took his BA in Fine Art at Leeds Polytechnic and holds a Ph.D. in visual culture from Middlesex University. He has lectured at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton, Middlesex University, Leeds University, Goldsmiths College of Art and Design and Norfolk College of Art and Technology.

Solo Exhibitions | Group Exhibitions | Bibliography | Recommended Links

Solo Exhibitions

»X-Space Commission«, inIVA, Institute of International Visual Art, London [GB]

»…….and Finally«, Commercial Gallery, London [GB]


Group Exhibitions

»DOT…….«, 5, Teesdale Yard, London[GB]
»ADULTESSENCE«, Phoenix Gallery, Exeter [GB]

»Was so'n bißchen Farbe ausmach«t, Galleria Voss, Dortmund[GB]
»EAST INTERNATIONAL«, Norwich School of Art, Sainsbury Centre [GB]

»un-frieden. sabotage von wirklichkeiten [discord. sabotage of realities«], Kunsthaus und Kunstvereine, Hamburg [D]

»ART – HISTORY – REPRESENTATION«, Concourse Gallery, London [GB]

»Whitechapel Openq, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London [GB]



° By the Artist ::

…and FINALLY, Jamie Wagg (ed.), History Paintig Press, London 1996; History Painting, in COIL, 1, Probocis, London 1995

° About the Artist ::

Thomas Weaver, The Eye of the Genius in Lotus 103, 2000; Jennifer Friedlander, MOVING Pictures: Where the Police, Press and the Art image meet, Sheffield Hallam University Press, 1999; Allosandro Imperato, The Politics of Surveillance, in Caffine, 2, 1997; John Walker, The Jamie Wagg Affair, in 20/20 magazine, June 1996; Anne Hamlyn, Tracing the Blind Spots. Art and the Criminal Element, exhib. cat., New Contemporaries exhibition, 1996; Mark Cousins, Security as Danger, History Painting Press, 1996; Nick Hornby, How Dangerous can a Dead Cow be, in The Independent on Sunday, May 1994.


Recommended Links

-> Jamie Wagg, »X-Space Commission« in inIVA OnLine's »Agenda«
