ctrl[space][bio] Chris Petit [e]
Author: Christoph Pingel Posted: 05.10.2001; 18:58:10 Topic: [bio] Chris Petit [e] Msg #: 198 (top msg in thread) Prev/Next: 197/199 Reads: 53920
Chris Petit works as filmmaker, journalist, critic and novelist. After a period as film editor on Time Out between 1973 and 1978 he came up with his debut feature, »Radio On«, in 1979, assisted by Wim Wenders.
Filmography | Festivals/ Group Exhibitions | Recommended Links
[selected]»Asylum«, 2000
»dead tv«, 1999
»The Falconer«, 1998
»Rudy Wurlitzer«, 1994
»Thriller« 1993
»Surveillance«, 1993
»London Labyrinth«, 1992
»Chinese Boxes«, 1984
»Flight to Berlin«, 1983
»An Unsiutable Job for a Woman«, 1981
»Radio On«, 1979^
Festivals/ Group Exhibitions
[selected]»Pesaro Film Festival«, Pesaro [I]
»Negative Space and The Falconer: Videos by Chris Petit«, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago [USA]
»New York Video Festival«, New York [USA]1999
»European Media Art Festival«, Osnabrück [D]
»San Francisco Film Festival«, San Francisco [USA]1998
»51st Locarno international film Festival«, Locarno [I]1996
»New York Video Festival«, New York [USA]1995-1996
»Brilliant! New Art From London«, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis [USA]Recommended Links
- > Nicolas Lezard, »Good bad dream«, in Guardian Unlimited
- > Joe Hartlaub, »Back from the Dead«, in Bookreporter.com
- > Keith Griffith, »The Manipulated Image«, in Animate!, Heft 01, 2001
- > »A selective guide to the best of this year's San Francisco Film Festival«, in metroactive, 1999
- > Chris Darke, »New York Video Festival: TV Afterlife«, in Insound
- > »Found footage. Our A to Z guide to the San Francisco International Film Festival«, in sfbg, 21.4.1999
- > A. O. Scott, »Video as Art in a World on Tape«, in New York Times, 21.7.2000
° Interviews ::
- > Cristiana Paternò, »INTERVISTA: "Una videocamera contro la tv"« (Interview: A Videocamera against TV), in Cinemazip, 2.7.2001
- > Andrew Hedgecock, »John Buchan gone Wronge. Interview with Chris Petit«
° Festivals/ Exhibitions ::
- > »Pesaro Film Festival«, Pesaro [I], 2001
- > »Negative Space and The Falconer: Videos by Chris Petit«, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago [USA], 2000
- > »51st Locarno International Film Festival«, Locarno [I], 1998