Echo, Locus+, 2001; Postmodern Geography, Claudio Minca (ed.), Blackwell Publishers, 2001; Responding to Rome, Jacopo Benci (ed.), The British Academy, 2001; Sue Brind, Individuals in Foreign Lands: researching into someone elses research, in Addressing the Boundaries, Point Art and Design Research Journal, 10, Autumn/Winter 2000; Curious, Artists’ research within expert culture, Visual Art Projects, Glasgow 1999; Locus Solus. Site, Identity, Technology in Contemporary Art, Black Dog, 1999; Visual Arts Catalogue, Telstra Adelaide International Festival ‘96, Australia 1996; SEARCH (Adelaide) & Cross-Winds, Experimental Art Foundation Publication, Adelaide 1996; The Advertiser, interview by Louise Nunn, in Adelaide Australia, February 1996; Artists’ Videotapes 1975-95 A Selection, MMU publication, 1995; Sarah Kent, B.c.c., in Time Out, February 12, 1994; The Independent Film & Video Monthly, Profile and interview by Laura U. Marks, August/September 1994; Simon Herbert, Performance Art in the ‘90s, in Art & Design, Autumn 1994; Time & Tide, Art & Design Publication, 1993; Intervening Spaces, Myles Meehan Gallery, 1991; Nick Stewart, Ward, in Performance Magazine, 62, 1990.
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-> Performance »Search«, Newcastle-on-Tyne [1993]