ctrl[space][bio] Jürgen Mayer H. [e]
Author: Christoph Pingel Posted: 05.10.2001; 18:57:51 Topic: [bio] Jürgen Mayer H. [e] Msg #: 184 (top msg in thread) Prev/Next: 183/185 Reads: 62995
Jürgen Mayer H. visited the University of Stuttgart 1986-1992; he completed his thesis as a Visiting Student at The Cooper Union, New York, in 1991 and then studied at Princeton University, New Jersey 1992-1994. He worked as an Assistant Professor at the Academy of Art Berlin from 1996 to 2001 and was Visiting Professor at Harvard University, Boston, in 2000. Currently he lectures as a Visiting Professor at the Academy of Art Berlin.
He founded the office J. Mayer H. architects in Berlin, focusing on the development of interfaces in architecture, Communication design and New Media. Important aspects of their projects are the employment of intelligent technology and the latest material research. Borders of space become reactive surfaces and set up a direct dialog with the user. An architectural space is created by communication and logistic technologies, where real place and the electronic net become fuse to become a unity.
Projects | Exhibitions | Grants and Awards | Bibliography | Recommended Links
»CTRL [Space]«, Exhibition design, ZKM Karlsruhe [D]
BMW Event- and Delivery Center, Munich [D]
Neue Bremm, Holocaust Memorial, international competition, Saarbrücken [D]
Mercedes Benz/DC, Visitor Center, design study
S-Bahn Berlin, Antigraffiti design [D]
»3 secrets«, pavillons at the F.-Möller-Foundation, near Berlin [D]
Archilab, Orleans [F]
E.Gram, during Ars Electronica, Art+Tek Institut Linz [AT]
»Raum und Mensch im Wandel«, EXPO 2000, Hannover [D]
»Open Spaces, Leer/Limit/Landschaft«, Stuttgart [D]
»GSD«, Harvard University, Cambridge [USA]
»Liste 99«, Art Basel, Galerie Loop [CH]
»Space/Sight/Self«, Smart Museum, Chicago [USA]
Deutsches Architektur-Zentrum, Hans-Schäfers-Preis [D]
»Housewarming II«, at Disappeared, Rand. Street Gallery, Chicago [USA]
Antwerp, Revit. projects [NL]
Grants and Awards
2nd Prize of the Central Glass Int. Arch. Design Competition 2000, [J]
3rd Prize of Ascona [CH]
1st Prize of Stadthaus, Ostfildern [D]
Suzanne Kolarik Underwood Prize, Princeton University Thesis Prize [USA]
DAAD scholarship in Princeton [USA]
Fulbright scholarship for The Cooper Union [USA]
[selected]»Ascona«, in Bauwelt, 23, 2000, p. 16; Offene Räume, Leere/Limit/Landschaft, J. Schneider and C. Baumgaertner, (eds.), Stuttgart 2000, pp. 181-191; Philipp Ursprung, »The Transparence of the Modell as the Modell of Transparency«, in Daidalos, 74, 3, 2000, p. 62-65; Pace/Sight/Self, cat., The David and Albert Smart Museum of Art, The University of Chicago Press, 1998; »New Materialism: Smart Parts«, in Wired, August 1998, pp. 17, 113; »Constructing Atmospheres, Condensation Walls«, in Daidalos, 68, June 1998, p. 144; Warteschleifen, cat., Aedes East Galerie, 1996; Herbert Muschamp, »Designing a Framework for Diversity«, in The New York Times, June 19, 1994, p. H34; »Junge Architekten zeichnen«, in Deutscher Baumeister, April 1989, p. 140.