ctrl[space][bio] GRAFT [e]
Author: Christoph Pingel Posted: 05.10.2001; 18:57:21 Topic: [bio] GRAFT [e] Msg #: 154 (top msg in thread) Prev/Next: 153/155 Reads: 53937
GRAFT*1967, Gregor Hoheisel; *1969, Christoph Körner; *1967, Lars Krückeberg; *1968, Wolfram Putz; and *1968, Thomas Willemeit; GRAFT has offices in Los Angeles [USA] and Berlin [D]; GRAFT was founded in 1998 as a »label for architecture, urban planning, exhibition design, music and the pursuit of happiness« and has offices in Los Angeles and Berlin. GRAFT is part of the artist group MADE and organized the exhibition »The Controlled Space: Urban Spaceguards at Watch at Riga«, 2001
Projects | Bibliography | Recommended Links
[selected]A music-video set for Will Smith
Residential remodelings for James Spader and Brad Pitt
Concepts for the headquarters of Eathlink.net
Exhibition design for the 4th Biennial at Site Santa Fe [USA] and LACMA [USA]
Urban designs for Riga and Shanghai.
GRAFT is also part of the artist group MADE and organized the exhibition The controlled space: urban spaceguards at watch at Riga, [2001]
[selected]Jon Jerde, »Architecture light«, in Bauwelt, 2000; »Der überwachte Raum«, in Archithese 4, 2000; »Las Vegas«, in StadtBauwelt, 1999; »Genetic Bastards«, in TransStyle, 1999; »Die elektronische Festung«, in Archithese 5, 1998; »Leaving Las Vegas«, in TransID, 1998.
Recommended Links
-> Home Page: GRAFT
-> GRAFT is part of the artist goup MADE,