Liam Gillick: »Marine Hugonnier«, in : La revista del Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporànea, September - December 2001; Calle, Sophie, Appointment: Sophie Calle and Sigmund FreudLondon: Violette Editions, 2001; »Die wahren Geschichten der Sophie Calle«, exhib. Kat. Museum Fridericianum, Kassel, and Haus der Kunst München [D] 2000; Pascal Beausse: »Marine Hugonnier«, in: Flash Art, 33, No 214, October 2000; Auster, Paul; Sophie Calle, Double Game, London: Violette Editions, 1998; »relatos«, ehib. cat. Centre Cultural de la Fundación "la Caixa", Barcelona 1997; Calle, Sophie, The Detachment. A Berlin Travel Guide/ Die Entfernung. Ein Berlin-Reiseführer, Dresden: Verlag der Kunst, 1996; Jacques Morice : »Le sang, la salive et les grains de riz«, in: Beaux Arts magazine, 125, July/ August 1994; Calle, Sophie, Suite Vénetienne, Paris: Eds. de l'Étoile. Ècrits sur lìmage, 1983.
Recommended Links
- >detailed Biography
- > Heinrich Barbara : »Rituale« [2000] - [in German]
[exhib. cat. »»The True Stories of Sophie Calle«, Museum Fredericianum Kassel, 08.04. - 21.05.2001, and Haus der Kunst München, 26.08. - 12. 11.2000]
° Exhibitions ::
- > »Sophie Calle: Public Places - Private Spaces«
, Jewish Museum San Francisco [USA], 2001 - [review]
- > »Sophie Calle: The Detachment. Double Blind«, Helsinki City Art Museum [FIN], 2001
- > »The True Stories of Sophie Calle«, Haus der Kunst München [D], 2000
- > »Exquisite Pain«, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokio [J] , 1999 - [Rezension]
- > »The Museum as Muse«, The Museum of Modern Art, New York [USA], 1999 - [group exhibition]
- > Sophie Calle, Centre national de la Photographie [CNP], Paris [F], 1998
- > »Sophie Calle: Double Game«, as part of the exhibition »Game Show«, MASS MoCA. North Adams, MA. [USA], 2001 - 2002
- > »Sophie Calle: Proofs«, Winton Bell Gallery, Brown University, Providence, RI [USA], 1995/ 96
° Further Links ::
- > July Martin: »Maria, Myself and I« [in: The New York Times, July 09, 2000]
[Review of the book Double Game [1998] by Paul Auster and Sophie Calle.]
- > Auster, Paul; Sophie Calle, Double Game [1998], First Chapter