
[work] Niels Bonde [e]

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inactiveTopic [work] Niels Bonde [e] topic started 05.10.2001; 18:56:51
last post 05.10.2001; 18:56:51
user Christoph Pingel - [work] Niels Bonde [e]  blueArrow
05.10.2001; 18:56:51 (reads: 67131, responses: 0)
Niels Bonde
I never had hair on my body or head, 1995/2001
Tent/Cave, 1995/2001
Ole is sending out messages over the radio, 1995/2001
Stuffed toy animals, cactus, table, CCTV cameras and monitors
dimensions variable
Courtesy Niels Bonde

I never had hair on my body or head, 1995/2001
Installation, Plüschtiere, Kaktus, Tisch, CCTV Kameras und Monitore
© Courtesy Niels Bonde und Galerie Voges + Deisen, Frankfurt am Main, Photo: Niels Bonde