»The New Industrial Parks Near Irvine«, California, Stedil Verlag, Göttingen 2001; »was wäre, wenn«, Kunstverein Rüsselsheim, Germany 2001; Jeff Rian, »Lewis Baltz«, Phaidon, London 2001; Cornelia Butler, »Lewis Baltz: Politics of Bacteria, Docile Bodies, Ronde de nuit«, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, and RAM, 1998; Dennis Baudier and Morten Salling, »Lewis Baltz«, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark 1995; Bernard Lamarche-Vadel, »Lewis Baltz«, Editions de La Difference, Paris 1993; »Rule Without Exception«, Masafumi Fukugawa (ed.), Kawasaki City Museum, Japan 1992; Hripsime Visser, »Lewis Baltz: 5 Projects«, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam 1992.
Recommended Links
° Biographical information ::
- > short biography
- > Photographers Directory
- > American Studies. Fotokunst in den USA 1935-1985
° Exhibition ::
- > »Was wäre, wenn«, Rüsselsheim [D], 2001 - group exhibition
° Interview ::
- > »Subjects and objects of the new technological culture«
[in: Media Menet, 22.1.1998]