»Ascona«, in Bauwelt, 23, 2000, p. 16; Offene Räume, Leere/Limit/Landschaft, J. Schneider and C. Baumgaertner, (eds.), Stuttgart 2000, pp. 181-191; Philipp Ursprung, »The Transparence of the Modell as the Modell of Transparency«, in Daidalos, 74, 3, 2000, p. 62-65; Pace/Sight/Self, cat., The David and Albert Smart Museum of Art, The University of Chicago Press, 1998; »New Materialism: Smart Parts«, in Wired, August 1998, pp. 17, 113; »Constructing Atmospheres, Condensation Walls«, in Daidalos, 68, June 1998, p. 144; Warteschleifen, cat., Aedes East Galerie, 1996; Herbert Muschamp, »Designing a Framework for Diversity«, in The New York Times, June 19, 1994, p. H34; »Junge Architekten zeichnen«, in Deutscher Baumeister, April 1989, p. 140.
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