Author: Art & Language  
Posted: 08.06.2001; 17:58:44
Msg #: 9 (top msg in thread)
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Reads: 14387

9 AMBIGUITY Ambiguities can be defined either as important baggage or you can clear them up, i.e., make your learning situation goal oriented. In the first instance criticism is welded to the growth of knowledge; the second is reductionist, retreating to a weaker though less refutable position.

-> Ambiguity 12, 13; Conversational matrix 114, 115, 116; Falsification 131, 132; Formalization 133, 134; Heuristic 152; Ideology 174, 175; Learning 213; Surface-structure 336; Work 380;

& Ambiguity 16; Art 29; Art-criticism 44; Blik 75; Blurting 79, 80; Certainty 86; Context 104, 107; Conversation 109; Conversational matrix 117; Heuristic 138, 142, 143, 156, 157; Intersubjectivity 188; Knowledge 192; Methodology 239; Practical 275; Pragmatics 276; Problematic 287, 288; Problematic A & L 289; Proceeding 290; Reading 306; Surface-structure 338; Work 390;

< 8 | 9 | 10 >


Last update: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 at 1:00:33 PM.
