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inactiveTopic BELIEFS topic started 08.06.2001; 18:08:33
last post 08.06.2001; 18:08:33
Art & Language - BELIEFS  blueArrow
08.06.2001; 18:08:33 (reads: 15503, responses: 0)
65 BELIEFS Because of the pragmatics of our interaction it is likely that individuals would express their beliefs more or less strongly in the annotating procedure than they actually do believe them. Perhaps it is partly as a response to something believed in less strongly, or as a kind of provocation, etc. This is not perverse but simply a strategy common to conversation.

-> Annotating 19; Beliefs 70, 72, 73; Propositional attitudes 300; Understanding 372;

& Blurting 78; Cognitivity 91; Context 99; Conversational matrix 117; Intersubjectivity 188; Language environment 202; Pragmatics 278; Psychological 302; Semantic field 323; Understanding 371; Work 377;

< 64 | 65 | 66 >


Last update: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 at 1:01:16 PM.
