Author: Thomas Dreher  
Posted: 19.09.2002; 18:42:49
Topic: Question 6
Msg #: 583 (in response to 428)
Prev/Next: 582/584
Reads: 92460

To Michael Corris´ answer 6/6:
Mental processes and their reconstructions in cognitive sciences/cybernetics of a second order/constructivism were points of reference for f. e. Jürgen Habermas, Niklas Luhmann and Felix Guattari. Are mental processes of rationalization and construction - as conceptualizations `we do´ - not necessary for deconstructions of systems and operations which were `done to us´? I want to argue for processes of de- and reconstructions, f. e. for interpenetrations.
I understand Mel´s use of the term "pandemonium" as metaphorical: as a way to point to circumstances with - after re- and deconstructions - not reducible multiplicities. The term "pandemonium" confuses me when I can´t reconstruct if it is used for unclear, not reconstructed circumstances or for inevitable, because not reducible multiplicities. Thomas Dreher (


Last update: Thursday, December 5, 2002 at 11:56:58 PM.
